P r i c e i s . 6 r/. e a c h S l i d e .
S m i t h and B e c k supply the following Diatomaceæ described in the Synopsis.
As each specimen has been examined by the author of that work, the authority
of these mountings may be relied upon by those desirous of correctly
identifying these interesting and beautiful objects.
D ia to m a c e o u s E a r t h s i n B a l s a m .
Peterhead Deposit.
Premnay Peat.
Dolgelly Earth.
Lough Mourne Deposit.
Lough Island-Reavey Deposit.
Cantyre Peat.
Marl Co. Down.
D ia to m a c e æ i n B a l s a m , o r m o u n t e d D r y .
2. Epithemia turgida.
4. Epithemia Zebra.
5. Epithemia Argus.
8. Epithemia proboscidea.
9. Epithemia Sorex.
11. Epithemia Westermanii.
12. Epithemia rupestris.
13. Epithemia gibba.
14. Epithemia ventricosa.
15. Eunotia Arens.
IS. Eunotia triodon.
23. CymbeUa maculata.
24. Cymbella Helvetica.
25. Cymbella Scotica.
31. Cocconeis Pediculus.
32. Cocconeis Placentula.
33. Cocconeis Thwaitesii.
34. Cocconeis Scutellum.
35. Cocconeis Grevillii.
37. Coscinodiscus radiatus.
38. Coscinodiscus eccentricus.
40. Eupodiscus fulvus.
41. Eupodiscus crassus.
4 5 . Triceratium altemaus.
4 7 . Cyclotella Kiitziugiana.
5 0 . Cyclotella Rotula.
67. Surirella biseriata.
5 9 . Surirella constricta.
6 2 . Surirella splendida.
6 4 . Surirella striatula.
6 5 . Surirella Gemma.
68. Surirella ovalis.
7 0 . Surirella ovata.
7 1 . Surirella salina.
7 5 . Tryblionella gracilis.
7 6 . Tryblionella marginata.
7 7 . Tryblionella acuminata.
7 8 . Cymatopleura Solea.
8 0 . Cymatopleura elliptica.
8 1 . Cymatopleura Ilibernica.
8 2 . Synedra lunaris.
8 3 . Synedra biceps.
8 4 . S'vnedra pulchella.
8 9 . Synedra radians.
9 0 . Synedra Ulna.
9 6 . Svnedra tabulata.