Fresh water.
3Ir. llaifs.
Plate XI. 83.
;y pools, Dorsetshire, Dec. 1849, W. Sm. Dolgelly,
S e c t . II. Pseudo-nodule definite, annular.
3. Synedra pulchella, Kiitz. V. lanceolate, slightly constricted towards
the obtuse extremities ; pedicel frequently dilated into a compressed
dichotomous stipes ; frustules forming flabella ; striæ 33
in -001". Length -0018" to -0046". v.v.
Kiitz. Bacill. XXLX. 87. “ Ctenophora pulchella,” Bréb. sic cl. De Brebisson
in literis cnni specim. Oct. 1852.
Fresh water. Penzance, 3Ir. Ralfs. Jersey, Aug. 1852, TF. Sm.
Plate XI. 84. Supp. Plate XXX. 84*.
4. Synedra gracilis, Kiitz. V. as in the last; pedicel not dilated;
pseudo-nodule less distinct ; frustules scattered; striæ 39 in -OOl".
Length -0018" to -0041". v.v.
Kiitz. Bacill. iii. 14. xiv. 2. xv. 8.
Brackish water. Poole Bay, Mar. 1848. “ Brooks ” near Lewes, Apr 1851
IF. Sm. ‘ ’
Plate XI. 85. Frustules with endochrome, Frontispiece, fig. LXXXAA
5. Synedra acicularis, TV. Sm. V. lanceolate, acute; striæ very
faint, 36 in -001". Length -0022" to -0055". v.v.
Synedra loevis, Kiitz. Bacill. xv. 8 ?
Brackish water. Poole Bay, June 1849. Excet, Sussex, March 1850
Lancing, Sussex, Aug. 1852.
Plate XI. 86.
6. Synedra minutissima, Kütz. V. linear-lanceolate, extremities
obtuse; striæ 36 i n -001". L e n g th -0009" t o '0021". v.v.
Kiitz. Bacill. iii. 30 ?
w T m Cheshire, Mr. Shadholt. Near Lewes, Oct. 1850,
Plate XI. 87.
S e c t . III. Pseudo-nodule indefinite.
7. Synedra salina, n. sp. V. lanceolate, gradually attenuated towards
the somewhat obtuse extremities; striæ distinct, 32 in -OOl".
Length -0075" to '0142". v.v.
Marine. Poole Bay, June 1848, IF. Sm.
Plate XI. 88.
8. Synedra radians, W. Sm. V. linear-lanceolate, extremities somewhat
dilated, ohtuse ; frustules arranged in a radiate manner ; striæ
24 in -001". Length -0050" to -0116". v.v.
Synedra splendens, Kiitz. Bacill. xiv. 16. ad specim. quæ misit amic. DeBrebisson.
Exilaria Ulna, Hass. Alg. xcvii. 2. ad specimina quæ communicavit
el. Jenner. Diatoma truncatum, Grev. B. F. p. 407.
Fresh water : very common. Plumpton, Sussex, Apr. 1852, TF.Sm. Speld-
Irarst, Kent, May 1843, Mr. Jenner. Cheshunt, Dec. 1842, Mr. HassalL
Lough Mourne and Peterhead Deposits.
Plate XI. 89. PI. XII. 89 ¡3. i
Frustules with endochrome, Frontis-
piece, fig. LXXXIX,
9. Synedra Ulna, ÆAr. V. lanceolate-acute; frustules not radiating;
striæ 24 in -OOl". Length -0028" to -0085". v.v.
(3. V. linear, suddenly acuminated.
¡3. Kiitz. Bacill. XXX. 28.
Freshwater: common. St. Brelades, Jersey, Aug. 1852.
Plate XI. 90. Var. ¡3. PI. XI. 90 ¡3.
10. Synedra Oxyrhynchus, Kütz. V. lanceolate, suddenly attenuated
towards the very acute extremities, v.v.
Kiitz. Bacill. xiv. 8, 9, 10, 11 ?
Fresh water. Near Lewes, Feb. 1852, TF. Sm.
Plate XI. 91.
11. Synedra obtusa, W .Sm . V. linear, extremities rounded ; strîæ
24 in -001". v.v.
Synedra Ulna, Ehr. Inf. xvii. 1 ? iS. oequalis, Kütz. Sp. Alg. p. 45. ad specim.
quæ dedit amie. De Brebisson.
id f A s m i .