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Sitrirella multifasciata, Kütz. Bacill. lii. 47. et Synedra oxyrhynchus, Kütz.
Sp. Alg. p. 44. ad specimina quæ misit cl'. De BreTiisson, Sept. 1852.
Fresh water : common. Lewes, March 1852, IF. Sm. Wrav, Mr. G. Smith,
Nov. 1852. (Ceylon, Mr. Thwaites, Nov. 1850.)
Plate XIII. 110. Supp. Plate XXXI. 110.
8. Nitzschia tenuis, W. Bm. F. V. linear, occasionally slightly
sigmoid, extremities truncate ; V. narrow, lanceolate, acute ; striæ
obscure. Length -0042" to -0083". v.v.
Synedra tergestina, Kütz. Bacill. iv. 33. ad specimina quæ communicavit cl.
De Bre'bisson, Oct. 1852.
Fresh water. Near Lewes, March 1850, IF. Sm. Wray near Lancaster,
Mr. G. Smith.
Plate XIII. 111.
S ect. I I I . Valves lanceolate.
9. Nitzschia spathnlata, n. sp. F. V. linear-lanceolate, extremities
inflated; V. lanceolate, acute, with a single row of puncta. Length
•0041" to -0083". v.s.
“Nitzschiaspathulata,” cl.DeBrebissoninliteris cum speciminibus,Sept. 1852.
Marine. Hull, Mr. R. Harrison.
Supp. Plate XXXI. 268.
10. Nitzschia angularis, n. sp. F. V. lanceolate, truncate ; V. lanceolate
; keel central ; puncta in a single row ; surface of V. longitudinally
striated. L e n g th -0041" to •0065". v.v.
Marine. Coast of Sussex, July 1850, IF. Sm.
Plate XIII. 117.
11. Nitzschia lanceolata, W. Sm. F. V. lanceolate, extremities
acute; V. linear lanceolate, acute ; keel eccentric ; surface of valve
marked by longitudinal lines, 21 in -OOl"; striæ faint, 80 in -OOl".
Length -0048" to -0085". v.v.
Surirella curvala, BreTi. in Kütz. Sp. Alg. p. 36. ad specimina quæ commu-
nicavit cl. De Brebisson, Sept. 1852.
Marine. Pevensey Bay, Sussex, Nov. 1850, IF. Sm.
Plate XIAL 118. Ideal section of frustule undergoing self-division, fig.118. S.
Sec t. IV. Valves arcuate.
12. Nitzschia Amphioxys, W. Sm. F. V. linear, quadrangular;
V. elliptical-lanceolate, arcuate, with acute and somewhat prominent
extremities ; striæ distinct, 30 in -OOl". Length -0016" to
■0043". v.v.
Eunotia amphioxys, Kütz. Bacill. xxix. 44, xxx. 1.
Freshwater: common. Lewes, Jan. 1851, IF. Sm.
Plate XIII. 105.
13. Nitzschia vivax, n. sp. F. V. linear; V. linear lanceolate, arcuate,
extremities produced into a prominent beak ; striæ distinct,
30 in ■001". Length ^0026" to ■0056". v.v.
Fresh or slightly brackish water. Near Lewes, Oct. 1852, W. Sm.
Supp. Plate XXXI. 267.
14. Nitzschia parvnla, n. sp. V. with central constriction, puncta
obscure, extremities prominent; striæ faint, 70 in ■OOl". Length
■0012" to -0015". v.v.
Marine : encrusting a sponge, Poole Bay, Nov. 1849, IF. Sm.
Plate XIII. 106.
15. Nitzschia minutissima, W. Sm. V. linear; puncta distinct,
with prominent and acute extremities; striæ obscure, 72 in -OOl".
Length -0008" to -0011". v.v.
Synedra dissipata, Kütz. Bacill. xiv. 3. xxx. 53. ad specinmia quæ misit cl.
De Brébisson, Sept. 1852.
Freshwater: on chalk rocks. Near Beachey Head, April 1852, IF. Sm.
Plate XIII. 107.
S ect. V. Valves constricted.
16. Nitzschia dubia, W. Sm. F. V. elliptical, slightly constricted
towards the centre, and tapering towards the somewhat truncate
extremities ; keel very eccentric ; V. obscurely striated ; striæ 60
in ■001". Length -0042" to -0066". v.v.
/3, A smaller form.