, • .JlÉí*
9. Pinnularia distans, n. sp. V. lanceolate, acute; costæ radiate,
not reaching central line, distant, 10 in -OOl". Length -0036" to
■0052". v.s.
Marine. Stomach of Scallop, Feb. 1851. Coast of Sussex, W. Sm.
Plate XVIII. 169. b. outline of F. V.
10. Pinnularia peregrina, Ehr. V. lanceolate, ohtuse; costæ radiate,
reaching central line, suhdistant, 13 in -OOl". L en g th -0032"
to -0058". v.v.
Ehr. in Kütz. Bacill. xxviii. 52.
Brackish water. Near Lewes, Nov. 1851, ÌF. Sm. Cockerham Marsh,
Lancashire, Mr. Johnson, Mar. 1852.
Plate XVIII. 170.
11. Pinnularia acuta, n. sp. V. lanceolate, acute; coste radiate,
reaching central line, 22 in -OOl". Length -0026" to -0046". v.v.
Fresh water. Plumpton, Sussex, Mar. 1852, W. Sm. Lough Mourne
Deposit. Near Aberdeen, Dr. Dickie. Cantyre Peat. Marl, Co. Down. Dolgelly
Earth. Peterhead Deposit.
Plate XAHII. 171.
14. Pinnularia gracilis, Ehr. V. elliptical-lanceolate, attenuated
towards the extremities ; coste radiate, contiguous. L e n g th -0 0 1 6 "
to -0022". vv.
Navicula gracilis, Ehr. Inf. xiii. 2 ? Kütz. Bacill. iii, 48 ? Navicula lanceolata,
Hass. Alg. cii. 14.
Fresh water : frequent. Lewes, May 1850, W.Sm. Shalford, Mr. Cop™«.
Plate XAHII. 174.
15. Pinnularia viridula, W. Sm. V. elliptical-lanceolate, obtuse;
coste faint. Length -0 0 0 6 " to -0 0 1 6 " . v.v.
Navicula viridula, Kütz. Bacill. xxx. 47?
Freshwater. Kingston, Sussex, Nov. 1851, HA Sm.
Plate XVIII. 175.
16. Pinnularia Cyprinus, Ehr. V. elliptical, with a central inflation
; extremities somewhat acute ; costæ radiate, reaching central
line, subdistant, 18 in -OOl". Length -0 0 1 6 " to -0 0 3 5 ". v.v.
Ehr. in Kütz. Bacill. xxix. 35 ?
Plate XVIII. 176. h. outline of F. V.
12. Pinnularia directa, n. sp. V. linear-lanceolate, acute; costæ
parallel, reaching central line, 20 in -OOl". Length -0025" to -0037".
Marine. Coast of Sussex, Feb. 1852, W. Sm.
Plate XVIII. 172. b. outline of F. V.
17. Pinnularia divergens, n. sp. V. linear-elliptical, somewhat
attenuated towards the rounded extremities ; costæ radiate at centre,
afterwards divergent, absent from the middle of valve, sub-
distant, 11 in -001". ’
Fresh water. Premnay Peat. Dolgelly Earth.
Plate XVIII. 177.
13. Pinnularia radiosa, W. Sm. V. lanceolate, obtuse ; costæ radiate,
contiguous, 24 in -OOl". Length -0016" to -0025". v.v.
Navicula radiosa, Kütz. Bacill. iv. 23 ?
Fresh water : frequent. Corfe Castle, Dec. 1849, W. Sm. Wray, Mr. G.
Smith. Peterhead Deposit. Lough Mourne Deposit. Cantyre Peat Dolgelly
Plate XVIII. 173.
18. Pinnularia stauroneiformis, W. Sm. V. elliptical; coste ah-
sent from the centre of V., not reaching the central line, contio-uous
30 in'OOl". L en g th -0011" t o -0025". v.v.
“ S S S S S iiS ^ * »• "► "■ '• -
Plate XIX. 178.