In ponds : not uncommon. Lewes, Feb. Z852, TF. Sm.
Plate XI. 92.
The last four species are so closely allied, that it is difficult, by a verbal
description, to assign precise characters to each ; a close inspection of the
figures will assist in their discrimination, but it ivill probably be found neces-
sarj', upon a further and wider e.vamination, to unite some of those that I
have here felt myself obliged to separate.
12. Synedra capitata, Ehr. V. linear, dilated towards the acute
extremities into a triangular head; striæ 23 in -OOl". Length
•0078" to -0185". v.v.
Ehr. Inf. xxi. 29. Prit. Anim. iv. 185.
capitata, Hass. Alg. xcvii. 1.
Kiitz. Bacill. xiv. 19. Erniaria
Fresh water: common. Wareham, Sept. 1849, TF. Sm. Lough Mourne
and Peterhead Deposits.
Plate XII. 93.
13. Synedra delicatissima, n. sp. V. elongated, very narrow and
gradually tapering to the somewhat acute extremities ; striæ 27 in
•001". Length -0048" to -0092". v.s.
Fresh water. Lough Neagh, Dr. Dickie, 1850.
Plate XII. 94.
14. Synedra longissima, n. sp. V. much elongated, slightly and
gradually attenuated towards the inflated and obtuse extremities ;
striæ 28 in -OOl". Length -0093" to -0183". v.s.
Fresh water. Pond in Botanic Garden, Belfast, 1850, Dr. Dickie.
Plate XII. 95.
15. Synedra tabulata, Kiitz. V. slightly tapering towards the somewhat
inflated and obtuse extremities; striæ marginal, 27 in -OOl";
frustules united into rectangular tablets. Length -0058" to -0087".
Kiitz. Bacill. XV. 10 ?
Brackish water. Near Lewes, Sept. 1851, TF. Sm.
Plate XII, 9fi.
IG. Synedra affinis, iÏMte. V. lanceolate, acute ; striæ marginal, 32
in '001"; frustules united in flabellate or radiating bundles. Length
•0021" to -0046". v.v.
Kiitz. Bacill. XT. 6, et 11. ad specim. authen. quæ dedit amic. De Brebisson.
Marine. Pevensey Bay, Sussex, Apr. 1851.
Plate XII. 97.
1/. Synedra A r e n s , Kütz. V. lanceolate, acute; striæ marginal,
30 in -001"; frustules on F. V. arcuate, flabellate. Length -0028"
to -0038". v.v.
Kiitz. Bacill. XXX. 50?
nYT o ’Jo Sussex,Uct. lo52, W. bm. Mar. 1851; Jersey, Aug. 1852; Hastings,
Plate XI. 98. Plate XII. 98.
18. Synedra hamata, n. sp. V. linear, or linear-lanceolate, suddenly
attenuated constricted and bent towards the extremities; striæ
marginal, 30 in -OOl". Length -0024" to -0052". v.v.
Fresh water. Plumpton, Sussex, Apr. 1852, TF. Sm.
Supp. Plate XXX. 264.
19. Synedra Vaucheriæ, Kütz. V. linear-lanceolate; striæ marginal,
30 i n -OOl"; frustules somewhat flabellate. Length •0011" to
■0018". v.v.
Kiitz. Bacill. xiv. 4 ?
Fresh water : frequently attached to Faucheria dic/wtomaand V. ccespitosa
Lewes, Oct. 1851. ^
Plate XI. 99.
20. Synedra fasciculata, Kütz. V. linear-lanceolate ; striæ reaching
across the valve, 40 in -OOl"; frustules in rectangular tablets.
Kutz. Bacili. XV. 5 ? Erniaria fasciculata, Ilass. Alg. xcvii. 3. ad specim.
authen. qua; communicavit cl. Jenner.
Fresh water. Plumpton, Sussex, Apr. 1852, TF. Sm.
Plate XI. 100.