19. Pinnularia Johusonii, n. sp. V. linear, with central and terminal
inflations ; costæ reaching central line, 56 in -OOl". Length
•0042" to -0072". v.v.
fi. Inflations very slight. Length -0025" to '0035". 'v.v.
Marine or brackish water. Pilling near Lancaster, 3Ir. Johnson, Feb. 1851.
fi. Shoreham, Sussex, Mar. 1851, W. Sm.
Plate XIX. 179. Var. fi. PI. XIX. 179 fi.
20. Pinnularia gibba, Ehr. Y . linear, with central and terminal
inflations ; costæ not reaching central line, contiguous, 30 in -OOl".
Kacicnla acrosphoeria, Kiitz. Bacill. v. 2. Sp. Alg. p. 78. ad specim. quæ
misit amic. De Brebisson.
Fresh water. Boggy pools, M'areham, Sept. 1847, W. Sm. Curwen Hill,
Lancashire, 3Ir. G. Smith. Cantyre Peat. Premnay Peat.
Plate XIX. 180.
21. Pinnularia TabeUaria, JV. Sm. Y . as in the last, but central
inflation more distinct; costæ subdistant, 22 in -OOl". v.v.
Navicula tahdlaria, Kiitz. Bacill. xxviii. 79. Prit. Anim. xv. 21.
Fresh water. Lewes, Sept. 1850, W. Sm.
Plate XIX. 181.
22. Pinnularia acrosphoeria, W. Sm. Y . as in the last two ; inflations
more distinct; costæ distant, 16 in ‘001". v.v.
Fresh water. Near Lewes, Sept. 1850, W. Sm. Premnay Peat. Dolgelly
Plate XIX. 183.
23. Pinnularia mesolepta, Ehr. V. linear, with three central inflations,
deeply constricted towards the obtuse extremities ; costæ
reaching central line, 24 in "OOl". v.v.
Navicula mesolepta, Kütz. Bacill. xxviii. 73. xxx. 34?
Ehr. Inf. xiii. 9.
Freshwater. Ashdown Forest, Sept. 1850, IF. i'm. Gardner Street, Sussex,
Mr. Jenner. Near Aberdeen, Dr. Dickie. Marl, Co. Down. Lough Mourne
Deposit. Dolgelly Earth. Premnay Peat. Cantyre Peat.
24. Pinnularia interrupta, W. Sm. Y. linear, constricted at the
rounded extremities ; costæ absent from the centre of the valve,
contiguous, 24 in -001". Length -0012" to -0022". v.v.
Stauroneis parva, Kütz. Bacill. xxix. 23. Sp. Alg. p. 92. specim. misit cl.
T)e Brebisson.
Fresh water. 'With the last, and probably only a variety of the same.
Plate XIX. 184.
G e n u s 2 1 . STAURONEIS, Ehr.
Frustules free, ohlong or lanceolate ; valves convex ; striated, with a
median line and terminal nodules; central nodule dilated into a
band (Stauros) free from striæ.
1 . Stauroneis Pboenicenteron, jBAr. V. lanceolate, obtuse ; stauros
linear, reaching the margin ; striæ 3 3 in -0 0 1 ". Length -0 0 5 5 " to
•0 0 6 6 ". v.v.
Kütz. Bacill. iii. 53. Navicula Phoenicenteron, Ehr. Inf. xüi. 1. Prit. Anim.
111. 139. XV. 17 & 18.
Fresh water; very common. Wareham. Sept. 1847; Lewes, Au^. 1850 •
Jersey, Aug. 1852, iS'm. Lough Mourne and Peterhead Deposits. Premnay
Peat. Cantyre Peat. (North America.)
Plate XIX. 185.
2. Stauroneis gracilis, Ehr. V. lanceolate, obtuse ; stauros linear,
scarcely reaching the margin ; striæ very delicate, 4 5 in -OOl".
Length -0 0 2 8 " to -0 0 3 6 " . v.v.
Ehr. in Kiitz. Bacill. xxix. 3 ?
Fresh water. Bindon Abbey, Dorsetshire, May 1849, IF. Sm Wrav
near Lancaster Oct 1852, Mr. G. Smith. Dolgelly Earth. Lough Mourne
Deposit. Cantyre Peat. (Little Falls, New York, and Nova Scotia.)
Plate XIX. 186.
3. Stauroneis acuta, sp. p. V. oblong; V. lanceolate, acute,
inflected at the extremities; stauros dilated towards the margin of
valve; striæ 3 0 in -0 0 1 ". Length -0 0 3 3 " to •0 0 5 7 ". v.v.
“ A species of Navicula,” Quek. II. C. xii. 26.