ll 1 ib:
I'i if.
Poor Man’s Pepper, 3 1 3
„ „ Treacle, 349
Poplar, 25, 116 , 502
Poppy, 25, 93, 108, 15 7 , 158
159, 504
Portulaca, 158
Potato, 506
Prattling Parnell, S41
Prickly Pear, 266
Priest’s Pintle, 228
Prikrit, 109
Primrose, 506
Prince’s Feathers, 2 1 3
Procession i'lower, 58, 348,
Provinsa, 107, 109
Prunella, 158
Pteris Esculenta, 507
Puckfist, 82, 567
Puck’s Stool, 82, 567
Puff-ball, 82
Pulsatilla, 507
Pumpkin, 22, 507
Purslane, 108, 508
Queen’s Stock Gilliflower,
Quick-beam, 508
Quicken-tree, 508, 529
Quince, 99, 508
Radish, 159, 509
Ragged Robin, 509
Raging Apple, 3 17
Rag-wort, or Rag-weed, 92,
Ram of Libya, 281
Ramp, 228
Rampion, 510
Ramsies, or Ramsins, 349
Ranunculus, 55, 158, 159,
Raspberry, 5 1 1
Rasrivtrava, 1 12, 5 1 1
Rattle ’Weed, 88
Rayhan, 246
Reed, 5 1 1
Reed Mace, 46, 5 12
Reine Marguerite, 2 3 1
Rest Flarrow, 5 7 1
Rhamnus, 25, 5 12
Rhubarb, 158
Rice, 5 1 3 , ^ .
Robin Redbreast s Cushion,
Rocket, 25, 5 14
Rodden, 529
Rogation Flower, 58, 348,
Roodselken, 48
Root of the Holy Ghost, 55
Rosa Maria, 41
Rose, 24, 25, 43, 54, 59,
138, 158, 18 1, 183, 193,
195. 199, 5 15
„ Apple, 23
,, de Noel, 44
,, of Jericho, 44, 528
,, ,, Sharon, 528
Rose-bay, 87
Rose-briar, 46, 49, 524
Rosemary, 60, 196, 197, 198,
Rowan, 23, 102, 529
Ruddes, 432
Rudrdksha, 5 3 1
Rue, 104, 5 3 1
Rush, 44, 57, 532
Kye, 534
Saber, 18 1, 2 1 1
Sacred Bean, 459
Sad Tree, 534
Saffron, 27, 91, 299
Sage, 158, 16 1, 534
,, of Jerusalem, 297
,, of Belhlehem, 297
Sainfoin, 43, 535
St. Andrew’s Cross, 56
,, Anne’s Needlework, 54
,, Anthony’s Nut, 53, 536
„ Turnip, 5 1 1 ,
,, Barbara’s Fledge-mustard,
,, Barbara’s Cress, 54, 375,
,, Barnaby’s Thistle, 54»
,, Francis’ Thorn, 53
,, George’s Tree, 53
„ ,, Violet, 53
,, James’s Wort, 53, 286,
510, 536, 545
,, John’s Wort, 5 1, 52, 56,
60, 95, 103, 536
„ John’s Flands, 333
,, Katharine’s Wheel, 536
,, Patrick’s Cabbage, 54,
536, 541
,, Paul’s Betony, 54
,, Peter’s Wort, 54, 536
,, Thomas’s Onion, 476
,, Winifred’s Flair, 55
Sallow, 58, 109, 538
Salsafy, 367
Sal-tree, 538
Sahitaris, 17 3
Sambac, 392
Sami, 1 1 3 , 205, 236, 539
Samolusj 539
Samphire, 54, 539
Sanct Benedicten KratU, 374
Sandal, 539
Sanguis ho minis, 52
Sanicle. 158, 159, 540
Sanicula Alpina, 236
Sardea, 540
Satyrion, 108, 159, 540
Saveli, 170
Savin, 95, 15 7 , 541
Savory, 541
Saxifrage, 157, 541
Scabious, 158, 159
Schlusselbhiuie, 1 12
Scorpion-grass, 156, 342
Scotch Thistle, 562
Screw Moss, 56
Scurvy-grass, 160
Sea Fennel, 549
„ Holly, 327
,, Moss, 158,
„ Poppy, 5 41
Seal-wort, 547
Seebright, 156
Seed of Ilorus, 380
,, ,, the Sun, 226
Selago, I I I , 13 7 , 542
Selenite, 17 3
Self-heal, 374
Selja, 538
Sempervivum, 158
Sengreene, 382
Senna, 158, 2 7 1
Sensitive-plant, 543
Serpeniaria, 376
Service-tree, 543
Sesame, 91, 1 12 , 544
Setwall, or Setewale, 572
Sfetracavallo, 1 1 3 , 382, 5 5 1 ,
Shamrock, 180, 544
She-Devil, 85
Shepherd’s Purse, 159, 545
Shittah Tree, 60
Sholoa, 545
Sickle-wood, 374
Sidj, 328
Silver Bush, 2 17
Plate, 37S
Weed, 109
Simpler’s Joy, 574
Singer’s Plant, 327
Sistra, 237
Skull-cap-flower, 369
Slayer of Monsters, 17 3 , 349
Sleep-Apple, 93
„ d horn, 93
Sloe, 200
Smilax, 91, 15 7
F '•S ■'
3 3
Snake’s Bugloss, 581
Snap Dragon, 2 17
Sneeze-wort, 15 3
Snowdrop, 43, 54, 56, 546
Soap-wort, 159
Solamwi, 546
Solisequus, 367
Solomon’s Seal, 547
Solstice, 325
Sol Terrestris, 537
Soma, 2, 22, 106, 17 3 , 547
Sonchus, 15 7
Sonnenkraut, 325
Son~U^ava, 107 ^
Sops-in-Wine, 269
Sorb, I I I , 543
Sorcerer’s Violet, 108
Sorrel, 549
Southernwood, 52, 549, 588
Sow Bread, 301
Sow Thistle, 44, 549
Sparages, 170
Sparrow-wort, 56
„ Tongue, 145
Speedwell, 48, 342, 549
Sperage, 170
Spignel, 24, 550
Spikenard, 27, 550
Spina Christi, 46
Spleen-wort, 156, 159
Sponsa Solis, 326
Sposa di Sole, 434
Spreng-wurzel, 552
Spring-wort, 1 1 3 , 14 1 , 5 5 1,
5 7 1
Spurge, 310, 367
„ Laurel, 5 5 3
,, Olive, 278, 3 10
Squill, 553
Stachys Sylvatica, 227
Stapelia, 88
Star Apple, 298
„ of Bethlehem, 43, 553
,, of Jerusalem, 354
,, of the Earth, 3 7 3
Star-wort, 56, 367
Starch-wort, 228
Staunch, 2 17
Stepmother, 484
Sticadove, 409
Stock, 553
,, Gilliflower, 169
Stonecrop, i i i , 554
Storax, 554
Stramonium, 106
Straw, 554
Strawberry, 4 1, 158, 556
„ tree, 226
Strumea, 501
Strychnos Tiente, 86
Succory, 325
Sugar-cane, 557
Sunflower, 56, 158, 166, 366,
Supercilium Veneris, 24
Supyari, 227
Swallow-herb, 276
„ wort, 159
Sweet Basil, 55
li 9>
Calamus, 2 17
Cicely, 55
„ Flag, 207
,, John, 4 16
„ Margery, 55
,, William, 198
Swine-Bread, 301
Sword-Flag, 352
Sycamore, 558
Syringa, 559
Tamarind, 560
Tamarisk, 49, 192, 560
Tansy, lo i, 561
Tea, 5Ó1
Tears of Isis, 572
Teasel, 158
Té-nadsadi, 109
Terebinth, 61, 346, 561
Teufelstnilch, 85
Theomat, 109
Therionarca, 90
Thistle, 4 1 , 562
Thorn, 46, 95. ” 4 , 174.563
„ Apple, 565
Throat-wort, 156, 267
Thunder-flower, 382
Thunderbolt-flower, 544
„ thorn, 552
„ wood, 552
Thya, 226
Thyme, 43, 198, 566
Tirlic, 50
Tithymallus, 157, 158, 367
Tittle-my-fancy, 484
Toad-Flax, 156
Toad’s Mouth, 2 17
Toadstool, 82, 566
Tobacco, 567
Tooth-cress, 179
Toothed Moss, 158
Violet, 158
Tormentilla, 159
Toy-wort, 545
Treacle Mustard, 159, 162,
Trefoil, 180, 287, 568
Triacle, 162, 568
Triphera, 15 7
Tripoliutn, 15 7
Troll-flower, 82, 353, 568
True-love, 375
Trumpet-flower, 252
Tuberose, 568
Tulasi, 109, 244, 568
Tulip, 56, 569
Tuahoof, 391
Turmeric, 79
Turnesole, 198, 366
Turnip, 156, 159, 571
Tussack-grass, 35Ó
Tutsan, 52, 156, 538, 571
Twopenny-grass, 37Ò
Typha, 262
Tzlganka, 286
Ugh, 592
Unser Frauen Milch, 41
,, ,, Müntz, 42
,, ,, Rauch, 42
Unshoe-the-Horse, 571
Upas, 86, 5 7 1
,, Antjar, 86, 5 7 1
Vakula-tree, 79
Valerian, 53, 108, 109, 158,
Velvet-flower, 2 1 3
Venus’ Comb, 42
,, Looking-glass, 267-
Verfluchte Jungfer, 325
Vergiss mein nicht, 342
Veronica, 550
Vervain, 39, 47, 5 1 ,9 5 , 103,
1 1 3 , 572
Vibro, I I I
Vine, 25, 1 12 , 158, 575
Violet, 158, 578
Violette de Damas, 308
,, des Sorciers, 108
Viper’s Bugloss, 158, 581
,, Grass, 581
Virgin’s Bower, 43, 55, 286
„ Pinch, 55
Wake Robin, 228
iVak Wak, 1 1 7
Wallflower, 582
Wall Gilliflower, 582
,, Stock Gillofer, 582
Walnut, 63, 158, 192, 582
Walpurgishraut, 3 3 3
Wart-wort, 366
Water Gladiole, 533
„ Lily, 463
Waybread, 498
Wegeleuchte, 325
Wegewarte, 325 \
Wheat, 52, 168
Whin, 356