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6 0 6 p i a a t h o t e , l^ e g e l^ / , a a i l hi^t\ef.
Lad’s Love, 549
Lady Laurel, 3 10
Lady’s Bedstraw 4 1, 249,
Bower, 402
Bunch ot Keys, 42
Comb, 42
Cushion, 42
Fingers, 42, 2 1 7
Garters, 402
Hair, 42
Laces, 402
Looking-glass, 42
Mantle, 42, 43
Nightcap, 402
Seal, 42, 402, 547
vSlipper, 42
Smock, 42, 55, 268
Tears, 43
Thimble, 402
Thistle, 4 1 , 158
,, Tresses, 42, 402
Lamb Toe, 2 17
Lamium albttm, 227
,, Galeobdolon, 227
Läng Fredags Ris, 44
Larch, 93, 95, 403
Lark's Claw, 145, 404
„ Heel, 145, 404
„ Spur, 145, 404
„ Toe, 145, 404
Larmes de Ste. Marie, 43
Laurel, 23, 24, 32, 60, 75,
106, 404
Laurustine, 56
Lavender, 59, 91, 409
Leek, 409
Lentil, 23, 4H
Lent Lily, 4 1 1
Leopard’s Bane, 159
„ Foot, 5 10
L e ’pan-tree, 79
Lettuce, 157, 158, 195, 4 1 1
Libbard's Bane, 93
Life Fverlasting, 416
Lilac, 59
Lily, 24, 27, 43, 5 1, 55, 59.
4 12
Lily of the May, 59
„ „ Valley, 43, 53,
59, lo i, 158, 199, 4 14
Lime, 158, 4 14
Linden, 4 15
Ling, 365
Lion-foot Cudweed, 91
Lion’s Snap, 2 1 7
Live-for-ever, 328
Live-in-Idleness, 484
Live-long, i n , 3 19, 328, 4 16
Liver-wort, 155, 158, 208
Llysan gwaed gwyr, 3 10
Loco, 88
Locust, 205
London Pride, 416, 541
,, Rocket, 5 14
Long Purples, 184
Loosestrife. 376, 4 17
Lords-and-Ladies, 228
Lotos, n o , 4 17
Lotus, 23, 26, 37, 107, 158,
180, 4 18
Love, 422
Loveage, 422
Love-and-idle, 422, 484
Love Apple, 422, 546
Love Grass, 327
Love-in-a-Mist, 422
Love-in-Idleness, 422, 484
Love-lies-bleeding, 2 13 , 422
Loveman, 422
Luckan Gowan, 353
Luck-flower, 1 1 2 , 343, 422
Lucky Hands, 3 3 3
Lunary, 378
Lèsser, 444
Lungwort, 155, 158, 297
Lupine, 159, 422
Lusmore, 70, 344
Lychnis, 55, 56, 423
Lycoris, 193
Lythrum Siiicaida^ 96
Mad Apple, 3 17 , 546
Maghet, 174, 424
Magician’s Cypress, 541
Magnolia, 87, 423
Mahwah, 423
Mai-blume, 3 1
Maidenhair, 24, 91, 104, 108,
Maids, or Maithes, 424
Main de Gloire, 428
Main de Ste. Marie, 43
Mallow, 158, 425
Malobathrum, 155
Malus Henncus, 355
Manchineel, 87, 425
Mandrake, 91, 93, 95, 108,
n o , 1 1 3 , 157, 425
Mango, 107, 428
Manna, 429
Maple, 429
Maracot, i8 i
Marguerite, 174. 424. 4 3 1
Marien-blumen, 42
Marien-gras, 42
Marien Magdalenen Kraut
and Apfel, 43
Marigold, 39, 56, 367, 432
Mdriu Stakkr, 42
Marjoram, 158, 433
Marsh Mallow, 433
„ Marigold, 434
Martagón, 1 1 3
Mary-buds, 42
Mary Gowles, 4 3 2
Mastic, 434
Mather, 174, 424
Matza Fi'aitca, 225
Maudeline-wort, 174, 424
Mauritia, 435
May, 29, 3 1 , 58, 360, 435
Maydweed, 174, 424, 435
May-flower, 3 1 , 435
May Lily, 3 1
May-weed, 174, 424, 435
Meadow-cress, 269
Meadow Pink, or Campion,
Mead Parsley, 541
Medusa Head, 328
Meisterwurzel, 96
Melon, 156, 159, 436
Menthe de Notre Dame, 42
Mercury, 162, 355
Mercury’s Blood, 572
Mew, 237, 550
Mezereon, 3 10
Michaelmas Daisy, 56
Midsummer Daisy, 56
Men, 479
Mignonette, 198, 436
MUium sohs, 15 7
Milk Thistle, 437, 562
Milk-wort, 348, 437
Millefoil, 95
Millet, 437
Miltwaste, 145
Mimosa, 23, 438
Mimusops, 439
Mindi, 373
Mint, 9 L 439
Mistletoe, 47, 95, lo i, 102,
103, 107, 1 1 3 , 14 1, 440
Mistress of Night, 568
Moly, 442
Mondveilchen, 17 2
Money-flower, 378
„ wort, 376
Monkey Cactus, 278
Monkshood, 24, 93, 443
Moode-hua, 392
Moon-Daisy, 174
Moon’s Beloved, 17 3
„ Flower, 17 3
„ Laughter, 17 3
Moonwort, 93, 95, 1 1 3 , 378,
444, 571
b toI
Moriche Palm, 23, 435
Moss, 44, 60, 445
„ Rose, 52, 446
Mother-wort, 158, 446
Mountain Ash, 47, 192, 529
Mouse-ear, 1 1 3 , 343, 447
,, ,, Scorpion - Grass,
Mugwort, 17 3 , 449
Mulberry, 22, 447
Mullein, 94, 449
„ Petty, 297
Musa sapientum, 5
Mushroom, 45 1
Musk, 158
,, Mallow, 91
Mustard, 452
Myrobalan, 453
Myrtle, 24, 37, 39, 60, l8 l ,
193, 194, 454
Myrrh, 27, 196, 453
Nabkha, 46, 205
Napellus, 15 7
Narcissus, 25, 158, 45 7
Nard, 550
Nasturtium, 158, 159, 459
Navel-wort, 108, 159
Neem, 459
Nelumbo, 23, 459
Nettle, 184, 459
Nigella, 158
Nightshade, 9 L 93> I 57. 4^0
Nimbu, 461
Nipa Palm, 461
Nipple-wort, 156
Nit-grass, 179
Nitraria tridentata, 87
Noble Liver-wort, 158
Noli me tangere, 237
None-so-pretty, 541
Nonsuch, 423, 545
Nontiscordar di me, 343
Noon-day-flower, 354
Nopal-plant, 266
Nosebleed, 589
Nutmeg, 136, 461
Nuts, 60, 157, 199, 461
Nyctegredum, i n
Nyctilopa, i n
Nymphæa, 463
Oak, 21, 25, 46, 59, 6 1, 65,
77, 107, 190, 192, 463
Oaks, Gospel, 61
,, Celebrated, 6l
,, Cross, 61
Oats, 472
Ocuhis Christi, 156
OEil de Christ, 2 31
Officinalis Christi, 534
Ohelo, 585
Old Man’s Beard, 286, 398
„ „ Head, 278
,, „ Pepper, 589
Oleander, 40, 87, 473
Olibanum, 346
Olive, 17, 25, 37, 38, 39, 46,
47, 142, 473
One-berry, 375
Onion, 23, 476
Ophiusa, 89
Ophrys, 159
Opium, 105
Orach, 156
Orange, 39, 193, 195, 477
Orchis, 24, 99, 478
Organy, 158
Origanum, 95, lo i, 158
Orpine, 5 1, 52, 60, i n , 479
Osier*, 1 1 3
Osmund Fern, 53, 56, 374,
Our Lady’s Bedstraw, 4 1 ,2 4 9
9 9
Bunch of Keys, 42
Comb, 42
Cushion, 42
Fingers, 42
Plair, 42
Looking-glass, 42
Mantle, 42, 143
Seal, 42, 547
Slipper, 42
Smock, 42, 55,
268, 269
Tears, 43
Thistle, 4 1, 158
Tresses, 42, 402
Ox-eye Daisy, 52, 282
Paddock-stool, 82, 567
Pagod-tree, 242
Paigle, 297
Palasa, 5, 480
Palm, 23, 25, 38, 58, 62,
124, 481
,, Palmyra, 5
Pcilma Christi, 109
Palo de Vaca, 297
Panac(2a, 15 7
Pansy, 70, 483
Paporot, 50, 1 1 2
Papyrus, 484
Paralytica, 236
Parsley, 38, 15 7 , 198, 485
Parsnip. 159
Pasque-flower, 58, 486
Passion-flower, 48, 56, i8 i,
Passion-flower, Fnglish, 228
Paulownia, 488
Pavetta Indica, 488
Pawnee, 483
Pea, 168, 488
Peach, 23, 99, 490
Pear, 116, 490
Peascod, 489
Peci, n o
Peepul, 5, 14, 22, 79, 490
Pellitory, 100
Pennyroyal, 95, 492
Peony, 53, 100, n o , 14 1,
1 5 8 , 1 9 8 ,4 9 2
Pepper-wort, 3 1 3
Periwinkle, 390, 494
Persephonion, 572
Persicaria, 158
Pestilence-weed, 494
Pettigree, 2Ó3
Phalhis impudicus, 88
Pharaoh’s Fig, 62, 12 3
Pharisees’ Rings, 357
Pheasant’s Fye, 145
Phlox, 95
Phu, 572
Phytolacca, 494
Pickpocket, 545
Pigeon’s-grass, 575
Pile-wort, 179, 277
Pimpernel, 103, 494
Pimpinella, 263
Pine, 24, 25, 36, 38, 46, 60,
Pink, 25, 194, 497
Pink-of-my-John, 484
Pipe-tree, 561
Pixie Stool, 82, 567
Pizzid ngurdu, 107
Plakun, 50, 1 1 2
Plane, 497
Plantain, 79, 159, 498
Ploughman’s Spikenard, 237
Plum, 499
Poa, 142
Pook Needle, 82
Poley, 91
Polyanthus, 194
Poly gala, 157^
Polypodiuni dichotomon, 36
„ vulgare, 4 L 499
Polypody, 159
Pomegranate, 16, 24, 25,
Pommier de Marie Magdaleine,
Pompion, 170
Pompon, 282
Pomum mirabile, 257
Poor Man’s Parmacetty, 286,