murdered at the instigation of the company with whom they travel.
The language of the Tibbo is spoken with extraordinary rapidity,
and has many consonants, particularly the L and S. They number
thus : , , . , T -, | r, rp , , f
Trtfno. '
Three, Agesso.
Four, . Fusso. : -
F'ive, ‘ Fo.' ’
Ten ,.. ~,r:.:Markum.
Their cloathing consists of sheep-skins, which they dress with or
without the wool; the former .for' winter, the latter for summer;
but the inhabitants of the principal places, or others, when they go
to Fezzan, clothe themselves t like! the.Buroeïians, in large blue
shirts ; Their head is, wrapt in à dark, ’blue cloth in shch a manner,
that .their eyes- only are seen. Their weapofxs i t r e . a lance-abolit six-
feet lotfgrând'a knife: from, fifteéni tor.twentyilnchea.’ te^-MlBoh;
th e y , carry on their: le£t'arm, thfe sheath b.étngcfastened'tq;;a 4nghë
leather about three inched wide,.-Which thdy;bearco» theft fWristti.-.
The Tibbo are divided into several tribes, the principal of which
are; the:Tibbb of Bilma.qwhoSe chief resides at: :Eyrkeiiabôutigne
d a y ’ s gourheytfrom Bilina, TMs triberis. a good deftltifliJWdda^Rgl
established : itsdfb forcibly among thé Megroeë who Jjvediiffi^kfe-'
f f i d J ' t o ï h i s d a i y , c t l oe ' i n h a b h a n t s îo f » Bilroa are; mlo^tlyoNegreei hi«r,
¿vrke; on. the contrary, they-are Tftbo. » f t r i b e e a m ^ o n a
comjperce between Fézzàn àndBurnu? and. apparently, Wfth great:
safety . toothemselvfesi. for; they/ teaYelJn^allitbrnp^ies^of.'s,^
dto éigbtrznem; b«t!onriacèDitat!q©fr^ir;badû^Mtfrs-.'the
them, as The poor people are afraid of being plundered: and sold
again, or murdered by them.
The religion of the Tibbo of Bilma, ,is.the Mahometan ; but it is
said they hold it very cheap.
The tribe of the Tibbo Rschade, or the Rock Tibbo, is so called
from their houses being built under rocks, and they frequently .live
even in caves, before which they build huts of rushes in a very
coarse manner, for their summer residence. The chief of this tribe
lives in Abo ; next to which Tibesty is the largest place. The
Tibbo Rschade go in multitudes tó Fezzan, ;at which time they
clothe themselves like the Tuarick ; however, I have seen several
wearing their sheep-skins. This tribe is reported to be good
The Tibbo Burgu are. said to he still Pagans : the district which
they inhabit, abounds in dates, corn, and grass.
A company of Fezzanians hSving this year been plundered by
some of the people of Burnu, as they were travelling from Bergami
to Mourzouk, the sultan of Fezzan sent a small army into their
country : it consisted of thirty-two men 011 horseback, seventy
Arabs on foot, and about two hundred. Tibbos of the Rschade tribe.
The Arabs went from Mourzouk into Gatron, fifty-four miles south
of that place ; to Feghërie thirty-three miles south-south-west of
Gatron ; then to Abo seven days, and Tibesty three days, in an
easterly direction ; then to Burgu eighteen days, (reckoning a day’s
journey eighteen miles.) They stole about two hundred people, the
greatest part of whom were sold in a treacherous manner.