My zeal for the undertaking I have engaged in, would have led rae
to break through this confinement and leave the city, with a view
to join the merchants at their place of rendezvous, whence they
were directly to depart for Fezzan, had not obstacles arising from
the difficulty of procuring the necessary credits for my equipment
prevented my immediate procedure.
“ As soon as from abatement of the pestilence, I could safely go
abroad, I met and renewed my acquaintance with several of the
caravan, who remained in the city, expecting the return of others
from Mecca. A French commercial house, on whom . I had no
letters of credit or other claim to confidence, than what arose from
private friendship and esteem, having handsomely offered such advance
of monies as I might require, I was enabled to prepare for
my-journey, and set out with this caravan, as soon a s complete and
ready for departure. All these designs were suddenly frustrated by
the arrival o f t h e French on the coast of Egypt. Those who formed
the caravan at Cairo quickly dispersed; that from Mecca coming
to join it was not yet arrived: myself and other Europeans were
seized and confined in the castle, rather as a place of refuge from
the indignation and fanaticism of the populace, than as a prison,
and we remained there until the arrival of the French at Cairo.
“ Soon after their coming, I made acquaintance with two of their
learned men, Berthollet and Monge, they liberated and presented me
to the Commander in Chief, and he received me with every mark
of attention and goodness. His regard for science, and esteem of
learned men are too well known to render it necessary for me to
expatiate on these high qualities. He promised me protection, he
offered me money or whatever was requisite to my undertaking,
and he directed the necessary passports to be prepared for me.
“ I lost no time in seeking out my friends, the merchants of
Fezzan, and renewing my connections with them. Gradually as the
public tranquillity became assured, they returned, one by one into
the city, till the whole were again assembled; and fifteen days
have now passed, since we have been making preparations for our.
final departure, actually fixed for the day after to-morrow.
: “ Commonly those who engage in an extraordinary enterprise,
consider means yet more extraordinary, as requisite to the success
of the undertaking: my opinion, and therewith procedure will be
founded on directly the contrary proposition. The plan which I
have chalked out for my journey will be simple and easy to pursue.
You shall have it in a single line, “ it is to travel as a Mahommedan
merchant of the caravan.” I am assured that under such character,
I can travel with the same surety as the natives of the country...
“ Many of the caravan having been at Mecca, are aware that there
are numbers of good Mussubnen from various countries who.speak
not Arabic, and who have different usages and customs ; and thus
simply attaining a knowledge of certain religious ceremonies
and prayers, there is no difficulty in passing generally as a
Mahommedan; for as to a certain less equivocal criterion of a