No. I.
Observations on F. Homeman s Description of the Country and Antiquities
ofSiwah; with Reference to ancient Accounts of the Oasis and
Temple of Ammon. By Sir William Toung, Bart. F. R. S. p. 75
No. II.
Some Account of F. Homeman, after his Arrival at Mourzouk 97
No. III.
A Memoir, containing various Informations respecting the Interior of
Africa; transmitted from Mourzouk in 17 99. by F. Homeman 105
No. IV.
Geographical Illustrations of the Travels and Informations of F.
Horneman, with Maps', by Major James Rennell, F. R. S. 121
•' No. V ,
Observations on the Language of Siwab; in a Utter to the Rt. Hon.
Sir Joseph Banks; by William Marsden, Esq. F. R. S. 1 »9
No. VI. . . .
List of the Members of the Society, instituted for the Purpose of promoting
a Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa 193
Pas 6, Line 9 f or roum, read rouin.
_£ 14 __ 7 , fo r monachie, read menschie.
f 10, fo r Logman, read L.ogmam.
’ __.. 13, /br fennel, read ftesh or meat.
.14, for evelid, read eyebrow. ,
4g f <after watering-place, insert called Ennate.
^ „ 5’ __ 6, fo r would, read wouldst.
* __ 97 for rare, read sure. . , S 105, — 9’for Ungila and Supah, reorf Aug.la and Siwa .
__ __ J5, after is, insert not'.
— 107, — 17, fo r Burnd, « a d Burgfl.
- u - r the culture ofthe.r land, read their p rep ^ tio n .o f leather.
T h e Society, instituted in the year 1 7 88; for the
purpose of exploring the Interior of Africa, in p u rsuing
xhtir great design, adopted wise and certain p rin ciples
of procedure : they inquired, and then examined;
they sought intelligence, and then directed research :
their progress has been answerable to the just system
of their pursuits and perseverance ; and the Society,
from the epoch of 1 7 98, have been enabled to direct
their efforts for further discovery, on data from actual
visitation and experiment..
A volume of the-transactions of the? Society, printed
in the years 17 90— 92, sets forth in detail, such communications
respecting the Interior of Africa, as might
be collected on inquiry from British Consuls ; from
the recital of Negro, or Moorish traders ; or from that of
Shereefs and others, who had passed with the caravans
on religious pilgrimage, in different directions between
Mecca and the various and remote stations of Maho-
medans in Africa.