sternal spots, smaller scattered spots on disk of abdomen, small
stigmatal spots, and a series of marginal spots at segmental
incisures black. Antennae ochraceous, fourth and fifth joints
and the apex of third fuscous, bases and apices of fourth and
fifth joints ochraceous.
Long. 12-14 millim.
In this species thè head is somewhat long and narrow, a
character which will alone distinguish it from other species of
the genus. (W. L . D.)
Halyomorpha pretoria, sp. n. (Tab. III. fig. 4.)
Above dull ochraceous, irregularly shaded with dark punctures
; scutellum with the lateral and apical margins distinctly
infuscated ; corium with the disk more or less castaneous;
membrane black, shining ; connexivum with fuscous spots at
segmental incisures ; body beneath, rostrum, and legs ochraceous;
rostrum with a central line and apex black ; lateral
margins of abdomen obscurely infuscated. Antennae obscure
brownish; second and third joints subequal in length and
darkest in hue, fourth and fifth joints also subequal in length,
fifth joint infuscated at centre.
Long. 12 millim. (yy; j ) \
Veterna patula, sp. n. (Tab. III. fig. 5.)
Body above ochraceous ; basal area of pronotum from between
lateral angles and corium (excluding lateral margins) purplish
or olivaceous. Head with the eyes fuscous; pronotum with four
black spots near anterior margin, the lateral angles black margined
with carmine-red; scutellum with some clusters of dark
punctures at base, and the same at lateral margins a little before
apex, which is pale olivaceous ; connexivum spotted with
fuscous (sometimes immaculate) ; membrane black, shining.
Body beneath and legs ochraceous, apex of rostrum, apices of
pronotal angles, stigmata, and some lateral sternal spots black.
Antennae castaneous, basal joint luteous, fourth and fifth joints
infuscated ; second joint longest.
Long. 12 millim., exp. pronot. angl. 8. millim.
-■ This species is allied to V. pugionata, Stài, by the shape of the
pronotal angles, but is broader and without the white spots at
base of scutellum. (H7-. L. D.)
Antestia transvaalia, sp. n. (Tab. III. fig. 6.)
Above dull ochraceous, somewhat thickly punctured with
brown. Head with the margins of the central lobe enclosing
two short central lines at base, the inner margins of the eyes
and a cluster of punctures near the apex of each lateral lobe,
black. Pronotum with the posterior area thickly covered with
coarse black punctures and some scattered punctures on anterior
area, the punctures form two obscure dark spots on disk;
anterior and lateral margins and a central longitudinal discal
line luteous and levigate, a black line on lateral margins near
the posterior angles. Scutellum thickly covered with black
punctures; two large spots at base and the apex luteous and
almost impunctate; the black punctures become confluent near
base, and form two obscure spots before apex. Corium thickly
covered with black punctures, excepting at base of lateral margins
and an angulated fascia on disk, both of which are luteous and
levigate. Membrane black, its apical margin hyaline; connexivum
luteous, spotted with black. Body beneath and legs
luteous; abdomen with three basal creamy levigate fasciae, the
second and third interrupted at centre; rostrum with a central
line and apex black; margins of abdomen spotted with black.
Antennae mutilated.
Long. 7 millim.
This species is allied to A. variegata, Thunb., from which the
white levigate fasciae on the under surface of the abdomen will
alone render it very distinct. (W. L. D.)
Plinachtus falcatus, sp. n. (Tab. III. fig. 8.) .
Body above and antennae reddish ochraceous; head with two
curved black lines extending from base to near emergence of
antennae ; eyes dark fuscous ; pronotum rugulose, lateral margins
and apices of spines narrowly black, sub-anterior and sublateral
margins and the spines (excluding apices) reddish, a central
pale levigate line margined with black punctures, and with/some
scattered black punctures on basal area; scutellum darkly