By G. A. BOULENGEB, F.Z.S. &c.
R E P T I L IA .
Agama hispida, L. Pretoria
In the adult females the ear-opening is a little larger than
the eye-opening, and the head is hlackish, all over or on the
sides only. One of the males shows a vermilion stripe along
each side of the helly, from axilla to groin, and scattered spots
of the same colour on the sides of the body and above the
shoulder. All the specimens have a yellowish vertebral stripe.
Agama atricollis, Smith. Pretoria.
Zonurus cordylus, L. Pretoria.
Varanus niloticus. Pretoria.
Nucras tessellata, Smith. Pretoria.
A single young specimen. Black above, with three white
lines along the hack, and two series of round white spots along
the sides; sides of head with black and white vertical bars;
tail coralline red.
Eremias lineo-ocellata, D. & B. Pretoria.
Gerrhosaurus flavigularis, Wiegm. Pretoria.
Mubuia trivittata, Cuv. Pretoria.
32 or 34 scales round the middle of the body.
Mabuia striata, Ptrs. Pretoria.
The single specimen has 40 scales round the middle of the
body, and is therefore referable to Peters's M. wahlbergii,
which I now regard as not separable from M. striata.
Chamceleon parvilpbus, Blgr. Pretoria.
Glauconia distanti, sp. n.
Glauconia distanti.
Snout rounded, projecting beyond the mouth, slightly
hooked, the preoral portion concave inferiorly; supraocular
present; rostral shield very large, extending posteriorly far
beyond the level of the eyes, its upper portion nearly as broad
as long, and covering almost the entire upper surface of the
snout and crown; nasal completely divided into two, the lower
part very small; ocular bordering the lip, between two labials,
the anterior of which is very small, five lower labials. 14 scales
round the body. Diameter of body 65 times in the total
length, length of tail 12 times. Uniform blackish, the borders
of the scales lighter.
A single specimen 130 millim. long. Pretoria.