Subfam. Pirating,
Pirates'lugubris, Stal. Pretoria.
Pirates conspurcatus, sp. n. Pretoria.
Subfam. Acanthaspidin^s.
Edocla quadrisignata, Stal.
H omopteka.
Fam. Cicadid.®.
Platyplenra divisa, Germ.
Platypleura punctigera, Walk.
Tibicen carinatus, Thunb.
Tibicen undulatus, Thunb.
Fam. CekcopidjE.
Subfam. Cercopin.®.
Locris transversa, Thunb.
Locris arithmetica, Walk.
Subfam. Aphrophorenai.
Poophilus actuosus, Stal.
Notes and Descriptions.
Durban, Natal.
Durban, Natal.
Cimex figuratus, Germ., var. (Tab. III. fig. 1.)
Axoprusfiguratus, Germ, in Silb. Rev. Ent. v. p. 185, no. 132 (1837).
Bright bine, shining, corium paler and more greenish in hue;
head with the central lobe obscurely marked with luteous;
pronotum with the anterior and lateral margins and some
scattered spots on anterior half of disk luteous; corium with
base of lateral margin luteous; scutellum with a small central
basal spot and the apical margin very narrowly luteous;
connexivum luteous, spotted with dark indigo-blue ; membrane
brassy brown, with its apex hyaline. Body beneath bright
shining purplish blue; lateral margins of sternum, a spot on
each side of metasternum, rostrum, coxal spots, bases of femora,
apex of spine on anterior femora, a broad central annulation to
posterior tibiae, central transverse fasciae and marginal spots to
abdomen, luteous. Antennae and apex of rostrum blackish.
Long. 13 millim. [W. L. D.)
Holcostethus obscuratus, sp. n. (Tab. III. fig. 2.)
Dull obscure castaneous; head, anterior half of pronotum,
and basal area of scutellum dull ochraceous ; apex of scutellum
levigate and pale olivaceous ; connexivum luteous, spotted with
blackish; membrane black, its apex paler; body beneath and
legs very pale olivaceous. Body above thickly, darkly, and
coarsely punctate; beneath much more sparsely punctate;
femora with two small black spots near apex, and lateral margins
of abdomen beneath with a series of small black segmental
spots; rostrum just passing posterior coxse with its apex black.
Antennae pale fuscous, basal joint (excluding apex) luteous;
second and third joints subequal in length, or second slightly
shorter than the third.
Long. 9 millim.
This species differs from H. scapularis, Thunb., by the spotted
connexivum, and from H. apicalis, Herr.-Sch., it is distinguished
by the more elongate body, different colour, &c. (W. L. D.)
Halyomorpha capitata, sp. n. (Tab. III. fig. 3.)
Body above ochraceous, thickly and irregularly covered with
dark punctures. Head with the eyes fuscous, the ocelli red, and
somewhat thickly covered with coarse brown punctures. Pronotum
thickly and coarsely punctate, on each side of disk the
punctures form obscure oblique fasciae; lateral margins pale
ochraceous and impunctate. Scutellum coarsely punctate,
near lateral margins and before apex the punctures are confluent
and castaneous, apex obscure pale olivaceous with
scattered dark punctures ; corium thickly, coarsely, and darkly
punctate, castaneous in hue, excepting lateral margins, which
are ochraceous ; membrane purplish brown, with a submarginal
tinge of black; connexivum ochraceous, with a double series of
blackish spots at segmental margins. Body beneath and legs
ochraceous, apical half of rostrum blackish, some small lateral