Fam. S a t u r n i id a :.
Gynanisa maia, Klug. (Sept.) Pretoria.
Urota sinope, Westw. (Jan.) Durban, Natal.
Aphelia apollinaris, Boisd. (Jan.) Durban, Natal.
Fam. H e p ia l id a :.
Gorgophis libania, Cram. Pretoria.
N o c t ü j S.
Fam. L eu can iid as .
Leucania apparata, Wallengr.
Leucania percussa, Butl.
Leucania substituta, Wallengr.
Leucania amens, Walk, (nec Guer.).
Axylia cinctothorax, Walk.?
Fam. A c o n t i i d a : .
Tarache caffraria, Cram.
Fam. NocTuiDiE.
Agrotis biconica, Koll.
Fam. A pa m i id a i .
Mamestra breviuscula, Walk.
Mamestra renisigna, Walk.
Ozarba dubitans, Walk.
Ozarba densa, Walk.
Fam. P l u s i id a :.
Plusia acuta, Walk. Pretoria.
Fam. P o ly d e sm id a :.
Polydesma landula, Guen. (May) Zoutpansberg.
Fam. O m m a to ph o r id je .
Cyligranima latona, Cram. Pretoria.
Fam. O f h iu s id a .
Ophisma pretorice, sp. n. Pretoria.
Ophisma croceipennis, Walk. (May) Zoutpansberg.
Sphingomorpha monteironis, Butl. Pretoria.
Ophisma pretorice, sp. n. (Tab. II. fig. 7.)
Anterior wings above dull brownish ochraceous with a glossy
hue, crossed by a dark curved linear fascia at about one third
from base, slightly directed outwardly; two much-waved and
inwardly-curved linear fasciae crossing wing beyond cell; basal,
costal, and outer margins dusky brown; two small black spots
at extremity of cell, and an outer submarginal series of black
dots : posterior wings pale brownish, the outer margins fuscous.
Wings beneath paler than above; anterior wings with an elongate
spot at end of cell, and a curved waved fascia crossing wing
between end of cell and apex; outer margin dull ochraceous,
with darker elongate marks between the nervures: posterior
wings with a dark spot in cell, two linear fasciae crossing wing
beyond cell, the innermost nearly even, the outermost much
waved, hind margin as in anterior wing. Body and legs dull
brownish ochraceous.
Exp. wings 53 millim.
This species appears to be most closely allied to 0 . senior,
Walk. (TV. L . D.)
D e l t o i d e s .
Fam. H e r m in i id j ®.
Epizeuxis cethiops, sp. n. (Tab. II. fig. 2.)
Anterior wings above ashy grey, mottled with fuscous; six
distinct dark spots on costal margin, which are continued more
or less distinctly across wing in waved fasciae, before the apical
fascia the colour is irregularly and narrowly warm ochraceous,
a series of small dark spots on outer margin; fringe loiig and
ashy grey: posterior wings above pale ashy grey, streaked on
basal area with dark fuscous. Wings beneath pale ashy grey,
with the dark markings of the upper side practically absent.