are very limited. On the hare plains the Asclepiads attract
many, especially such as Euryope terminalis and Gorynodes
compressicornis. Under stones in the dry season I have found
Aulacophora vinula. Representatives of the Cryptocephalidæ
were always obtained by heating trees; Chrysomela opulenta is
a very common species.
I have to offer my best thanks to the following specialists :—
Mr. Martin Jacoby for assistance in the Chrysomelidæ, and
Mr. C. J. Gahan in the Galerucidæ, both of whom have here
described species ; whilst Mr. O. Janson has compared my
Cassididæ with the fine collection of the late Mr. Baly, which is
now in his possession.
Fam. C r io c e r id æ .
Crioceris puncticollis, Lac.
Orioceris constricticollis, Clark.
Fam. C r y p to c e ph a l id æ .
Gynandrophthalma anisogramma, Lac., var.
Clythra wahlbergi, Lac.
Camptolenes cribraria, Lac.
Antipus rufus, De Geer.
Cryptocephalus pustulatus, Fabr.
Cryptocephalus dregei, Boh.
Cryptocephalus decemnotatus, Suffr.
Cryptocephalus pardalis, Suffr.
Halitonoma epistomata, Fabr.
Achoenops facialis, sp. n.
Achoenops facialis, sp. n. (Tab. I. fig. 4.)
Below black; head black at the vertex, the lower part
fulvous, deeply excavated ; thorax fulvous, transverse, closely
and finely punctured ; elytra flavous, punctate-striate ; the interstices
finely punctured ; the shoulders with a black spot ;
tibiæ fulvous at the base.
Length 1^ line.
Durban, Natal.
Durban, Natal.
Durban, Natal.
Of cylindrical shape; the head broad and flat, the vertex
black, closely and strongly punctured; the eyes very widely
separated, but slightly emarginate; the lower portion of the
face fulvous, very deeply excavated, the excavation bounded at
the sides by a sharp edge ; antennae short, black, the lower five
joints fulvous, the terminal joints gradually widened; thorax
about twice as broad as long, subcylindrical, the lateral margins
straight at the base, rounded in front, the surface very closely
punctured, fulvous, the extreme basal margin black; scutellum
black, its apex truncate; elytra cylindrical, flavous, the extreme
basal margin and a spot at the shoulder black, the disk distinctly
punctate-striate; the interstices very finely punctured
and here and there transversely wrinkled; pygidium piceous,
strongly punctured; underside and the femora black; the coxae,
base of the femora and that of the tibiae fulvous; prosternum
with a triangular tooth at the middle of the basal margin,
A single specimen, differing from the other known species by
the different coloration and the very deep facial excavation.
[M. Jacoby.)
Fam. E um o l p idæ .
Colasposoma pubescens, Lefevre. Pretoria.
Euryope terminalis, Baly. Pretoria.
Calomorpha wahlbergi, Stal. Durban, Natal.
Pseudocolaspis sericata, Marsh. Pretoria.
Corynodes compressicornis, Fabr. Pretoria.
Menius distanti, sp. n. Pretoria.
Menius distanti, sp. n. (Tab. I. fig. 6.)
Piceous; the basal and apical joints of the antennae and the
legs fulvous; head and thorax not very closely and strongly
punctured; elytra dark or pale fulvous, regularly and strongly
Length 1^ line.
Head strongly punctured, the vertex piceous, deeply sulcate
above the eyes, the lower portion fulvous; antennae only ex*