177» . pofe. They do not however fubfift wholly upon this food,
<— for they catch a variety of other fifli, fome of which they
Saturday 5. gjgS, and fome they take with hook and line.
All the inhabitants that we faw were ftark naked: they did
not appear to be numerous, nor to live in focieties, but like
other animals were fcattered about along the coaft, and in
the woods. Of their manner of life, however, we could
know but little, as we were never able to form the leaft connection
with them: after the firft conteft at our landing, they
would never come near enough to parley; nor did they
touch a Angle article o f all that we had left at their huts, and
the places they frequented, on purpofe for them to take
During my flay in this harbour, I caufed the Englilh colours
to be difplayed on fhore every day,, and the lhip’s
name, and the date of the year, to be infcribed upon one of
the trees near the watering-place.
It is high-water here at the full and change of the moon
about eight o’clock, and the tide rifes and falls perpendicularly
between four and five feet.
C HA P .
C H A P . 11.
The Range from Botany Bay to 'Trinity B ay, with a farther
Account of the Country, its Inhabitants, and ProduBions.
AT day-break, on Sunday the 6th of May 17:70, we fet 1770;
fail from Botany Bay, with a light breeze at N.W. <----
which foon after coming to the fouthwarcf, we fleered along '-u"dayb-
the fhore N.N.E.; and at noon, our latitude, By obfervation,
was 33° 50' S; At this time we were between two and three
miles diftant from the land, and a-breaft of a bay, or harbour,
in which there appeared to be good anchorage, and
■ which I called Port Jackson. This harbour lies three
leagues to the northward of Botany Bay: the variation, by
feveral azimuths, appeared to be 8° E. At fun-fet, the
northermoft land in fight bore N. 26 E. and fome broken
land, that feemed to form a bay, bore N. 40 W. diftant four
leagues. This bay, which- lies in latitude 3.30 42', I called';
B roken Ba y . We fleered along the fhore N.N.E. all nighty
at the diftance of about three leagues from the land, having’
from thirty-two to thirty-fix fathom water, with a hard i
fandy bottom:
Soon after fun-rife on the 7th, I: took feveral azimuths, Monday 7,-
with four needles belonging to the azimuth- compafs, the
mean refult of which gave the variation 7 ° 56' E. At noon,
our latitude, by obfervation, was 33° aa'S.: we were about
three leagues from the fhore; the northermoft.land in fight
bore N. 19 E. and fome lands which projected in three bluff-
points, and. which, for that reafon, I. called Cape T hree