. 1 . - 7 1 .
Saturday 4.
Friday 10;
There are but few infefts in this place, but there is a specie
s of fnail found upon the top« o f the higheft ridges, which -
probably has been there fince the original creation of their
kind, at the beginning of the world'. It is indeed very difficult
to conceive how any thing which was not depofited
here at its creation, or brought hither by the diligence of
man, could find its way to a place fo fevered from the reft of
the world, by feas of immenfe extent, except the hypothefis
that has been mentioned on another occafion be adopted»
and this rock be fuppofed to have been left behind, when a
large traft of country, of which it was part, fubfided by
fame eonvullion óf nature, and was fwallowed up in the
At one o’clock in the afternoon, o f the 4th of May, we
weighed and. flood out of the Road, in company With the
Portland man of war, and twelve fail o f Indiamen,
We continued to fait in, company with the fleet, till the
10th in the morning, when, perceiving that we failed much-
heavier than any other fhip, and thinking it for that reafon
probable that the Portland'“ would get home before us, 1 made
the fignal to fpeak with her, upon which Captain Elliot him-
felf came on board, and I delivered to him a letter for the,
Admiralty, with a box, containing the common log-bdoksof
the fhipj and the journals of feme of the officers. We continued
in company, however,, till the 23d in the morning,,
and then there was not one o f the fhips in fight. About due
o’clock- in the afternoon,, died our Firft Lieutenant Mr. Hicks,-
and in the evening we committed his body to the fea, with
the ufuaL ceremonies.. The difeafe of which he died, was a
e-onfuCaption, and as he was not free from it When we failed,
from England,, it may truly be faid that he Was dying during
the whole voyage, though his decline was very gradual till
we came to Batavia: the next day, I gave Mr. Charles Clerk
an order to aft as Lieutenant in his room, a young man who
was extremely well qualified for that ftation.
Our rigging and fails were now become fo bad, that fome-
rhing was giving way every day. We continued our courfe,
however, in fafety till'the 10th of June, when land; which
proved to be the Lizard, was difeovered by Nicholas Young,
the fame boy that firft faw New Zealand ;-on the nth we run
up the channel, at fix in the morning of the 12th we palled
Beachy Head, at noon we were abreaft of Dover, and about
three eame to an anchor in the Downs,- and went afliore at
F I N I S.
Friday 24.
Monday i<v ■
Tuefday ir,
Wednef. 12#--