>770. their table, though it had the appearance of magnificence O&ob.er. , ' . 0 - 1 >
----1 was wretchedly lerved. Their dinner confifted of one courfe
Jh“rfdayii- of fifteen diflies, and their fupper of one courfe of thirteen,
but nine or ten of them confifted qf bad poultry, varioufly
drefled, and often ferved up the fecond, third, and even the
fourth time : the fame duck having appeared more than once
roafted, found his way again to the table as a fricafee, and
a fourth time in the form of forced meat. It was not long,
however, before they learnt that this treatment was only by
way of eflay, and that it was the invariable cuftom of the
houfe, to fupply all ftrangers, at their firft coming, with
fuch fare as could be procured for the leaft money, and con-
fequently would produce the moft gain: that if either
through indolence or good-nature they were content, it was
continued for the benefit of the hoft, but that if they complained,
it was gradually amended till they were fatisfied,
which fometimes happened before they had the worth of
their money. After this difcovery, they remonftrated, and
their fare became better; however, after a few days, Mr.
Banks hired a little houfe, the next door on the left hand to
the hotel, for himfelf and his party, for which he paid after
the rate of ten rix-dollars, or two pounds five Ihillings fter-
ling a month; but here they were very far from having either
the convenience or the privacy which they expected ; no per-
fon was permitted to fleep in this private houfe occafionally,
as a gueft to the perfon who hired it, under a penalty, but
almoft every Dutchman that went by ran in without any
ceremony, to alk what they fold, there having been very
feldom any private perfons at Batavia who had not fome-
thing to fell. Every body here hires a carriage, and Mr.
Banks hired two. They are open chaifes, made to hold two
people, and driven by a man fitting on a coach-box; for
each of thefe he paid two rix-dollars a day.
As foon as he was fettled in his new habitation, he fent for 177°.
Tupia, who till now had continued on board upon account a° er' .'
of his illnefs, which was of the bilious kind, and for which Thnrfday "•
he had obftinately refufed to take any medicine. He foon •
came afliore, with his boy Tayeto, and though while he was
on board, and after he came into the boat, he was exceedingly
liftlefs and cl ejected, he no fooner entered the town
than he feemed to be animated with a new foul. The houfes
carriages, ftreets, people, and a multiplicity of other objects,
all new, which rufhed upon him at once, produced
an effedl like the fudden and fecret power that is imagined,
of fafcination. Tayeto exprefled his wonder and delight
with ftill lefs reftraint, and danced along the ftreet in a kind
of extafy, examining every obje<ft with a reftlefs and eager
curiofity, which was every moment excited and gratified.
One of the firft things that Tupia remarked, was the various
drefles of the palling multitude, concerning which he made
many enquiries; and when he was told that in this place,
where people of many different nations were aflcmbled,
every one wore the habit of his country, he defired that he
might conform to the cuftom, and appear in that of Otaheite.
South Sea cloth was therefore fent for from the fhip, and he
equipped himfelf with great expedition and dexterity. The
people who had feen Otourou, the Indian who had been
brought hither by M. Bougainville, enquired whether Tupia
was not the fame perfon: from thefe enquiries, we learnt
who it was that we had fuppofed to be Spaniards, from the
accounts that had been given of two fhips by the Iflanders.
In the mean time, I procured an order to the fuperinten-
dant of the ifland of Quruft, where the fhip was to be repaired,
to receive her there ; and fent by one of the fhips that
failed for Holland, an account of our arrival here, to Mr.
Stephens, the Secretary to the Admiralty.