177°' fared three feet from point to point: they fhot alfo four plo-
; . vers, which exaftly refembled the golden plover of England.
Monday 8. g00n after they returned, a fmall Indian boat came along-fide
with two Malays on board, who brought three turtles, fome
dried fifh, and a few pumpkins: we bought the turtle,
which altogether weighed a hundred and forty-fix pounds,
for a dollar, and confidering that we had lately paid the
Dutchman a dollar for one that weighed only fix and thirty
pounds, we thought we had a good bargain. The feller appeared
equally fatisfied, and we then treated with him for
his pumpkins, for which he was very unwilling to take any
money but a dollar; we faid that a whole dollar was greatly
too much ; to which he readily aflented, but defired that we
would cut one and give him a part: at laft, however, a fine
fhining Portuguefe petacka tempted him, and for that he fold
us his whole Hock of pumpkins, being in number twenty-
fix. At parting, he made figns that we fhould not tell at
Batavia that any boat had been aboard us.
We were not able to weather Pulo Pare this day, but getting
the land wind at fouth about ten o’clock at night, we
weighed and flood to the E. S. E. all night. At ten in the
Ttttfdayj. morning, we anchored again, to wait for the fea breeze;
and at noon it fprung up at N. N. E. with which we flood in
for Batavia road, where at four o’clock in the afternoon we-
came to an anchor.
We found here the Harcourt Indiaman from England, two--
Englilh private traders of that country, thirteen fail of large
Dutch Ihips, and a confiderable number of fmall veflels. A
boat came immediately on board, from a Ihip which had a
broad pendant flying, and the officer who commanded having
enquired who we were, and whence we came, immediately
returned with fuch anfwers as we thought fit to give
him: both he and his people were as pale as fpeflres, a fad 1770.
prefage of our fufferings in fo unhealthy a country; but 1 '
our people, who, except Tupia, were all rofy and plump, Tucfflay 9'
feemed to think themfelves fo feafoned by various climates
that nothing could hurt them. In the mean time, I fent a
Lieutenant afliore to acquaint the Governor of our arrival,
and to make an excufe for our not faluting; for as I could
falute with only three guns, except the fwivels, which I was
of opinion would not be heard, I thought it was better to let
it alone. As foon as the boat was difpatched the carpenter
delivered me an account of the defeats of the fhip, of which
the following is a copy:
“ The defefts of his Majeffy’s bark Endeavour, Lieutenant
“ James Cook Commander.
“ The fhip very leaky, as fhe makes from twelve to fix
“ inches water an hour, occafioned by her main keel being
“ wounded in many places, and the fcarfs of her ftern being
“ very open: the falfe keel gone beyond the midlhips from
“ forward, and perhaps farther, as I had no opportunity of
“ feeing for the water when hauled afhore for repairing :
“ wounded on the larboard fide under the main channel,
“ where I imagine the greateft leak is, but could not come
“ at it for the water: one pump on the larboard fide ufelefs;
“ the others decayed within an inch and an half of the bore.
“ Otherwife mails, yards, boats, and hull, in pretty good
“ condition.”
As it was the univerfal opinion that the fhip could not
fafely proceed to Europe without an examination of her bottom,
I determined to apply for leave to heave her down at
this place; and as I underftood that it would be neceflary to
make this application in writing, I drew up a requeft, and
Qjl 2 the