C O N T E N T S .
Language -. With fame Reafons againfi the Exifience of a Southern
Continent. K - I 0 5s
BOOK fjjg
C H A P . 1.'
The Run from New Zealand to Botany Bay, on the Eafl Coaft of New
Holland, now called. New .South Wales ; various Incidents that
happened there-, with fome Account of the Country and its Inhabitants.
1 B I BBB 77
C H A P . ii.
The Range from Botany Bay to Trinity Bay; with a farther Account
of the Country, its Inhabitants, and ProduBians. 10j
C H A P . in.
Dangerous Situation of the Ship in her Courfe from Trinity Bay to
Endeavour River. 140
C H A P . IV.
Traifaflions while the Ship was reftting in Endeavour River : ‘ A
Defcription of the adjacent Country, its Inhabitants, and Pro-
C H A P . V.
Departure from Endeavour River -, a particular Defcription of the
Harbour there, in which the Ship was refitted, the adjacent Country,
andfeveral IJlands near the Coaft: The Range from Endeavour
River to the Northern Extremity of the Country, and the Dangers
of that Navigation. - - • jg^
C O N T E N T S .
C H A P . VI.
Departure from New South Wales; a particular Defcription of the
Country, its Products, and People: A Specimen of the Language,
and fome Obfervations upon the Currents and Tides. & 218
C H A P . VII.
The Pafiage from New South Wales to New Guinea, with an Account
of what happened upon landing there. 245
The Paffage from New Guinea to the Ifiand i f Savu, and the Tranfi-
aBions there. 2 5%
C H A P . IX.
A particular Defcription of the Ifiand i f Savu, its Produce and Inhabitants,
with a Specimen of their Language. 277
C H A P . X.
The Run from the Ifiand of Savu to Batavia, and an Account of the
TranfaBians there while the Ship was refitting. 300
C H A P . XI.
Some Account of Batavia, and the adjacent Country; with their
Fruits, Flowers, and other ProduBions. 320
C H A P . XII.
Some Account of the Inhabitants of Batavia, and the adjacent Country,
their Manners, Cufioms, and Manner of Life. 345
The Paffage from Batavia to the Cape of Good Hope: Some Account
of Prince’s Ifiand and its Inhabitants, and a comparative View of
their Language with the Malay and Javanefe, 363.
4 C H A P .