Paroaria la-n'ala, BODD.
^ L S O called "Pope" by dealers: though it would be difficult to say why it
sliOtfld liave a grejrti-r claim to that title, than the other red-headed species.
P. lan'ata is a nativ.e oi Brazil and nearly resembles P. niciillata excepting in the
absence of a crest : its head, chin and throat are scarlet, the hind margin of the
ear-coverts black ; the back of the neci white with broad blaclc edges to the
feathers ; remaindei- of upper surface slate-grey : hut tlie feathers of the mantle
edged with blaclc ; the wing and piimaiy coverts black ; the flight featliers and
upper tail coverts black, edged mth grey; the tail feathers Hackish, friuged
externally towards feke base mth grey and tipped with white ; outer rcetrices brown ;
sides of ueck and whole under surface of body pure white; the sides and flanks
stained with greyish ; rruier surtlice of \vings and tail greyish white ; upper niandtble
dark hro\vn, louer mandible yellavt, brown at the tip; legs bLickish : iris
The hen resembles the cock: but the primaxies have narrower w-hite edees to
the ouier webs and the beak is lougtr, with less arched culmen : the yoimg bird
is much bro^Hier in colouring, ..vith the scarlet of the head and throat repkiLd by
a cinnamon tint.
This isery abundant and b^-atiful Cardinal is a favourite cage-bird among the
BrazHians, and fonnerl3- was impoaitó in considerable ujBBtoers iwo this country ;
but of liite years the importation of this species seems to have greatly fallen off^
though it still arrives occa.sionally ; 1 purcl^ed a specimen in I'Vbruary, 1S94.
According to Maximilian Prinz za Wied, These bird.s are not rare at Bahia;
they are simple, quiet creatures, witli a clear call-note and a little twittering song'.
In that region they are often kept in cages, wherein they tliriNer the food bei-.i^"
ga-Qimd rice and maize. At Bahia, and also among the Spaniards in Paragua3°
the name is Cairdiiuil."
Mr. W. A, Forbes, speaking of this species as observed bj- hJni at Pernambuco,
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