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A'eochmia phaclon, HOMBR. ET JACO.
'J^'HIS species is an inhabitant of Nortliern Australia, rauging from tlie northwest
to Cape York and to Rockingham Baj' and Port Denison. Its general
colour is crimson, brightest on the upper tail-coverts, base of forehead, sides of
face and sides of bod_y below; above, the lo-wer back is brown, as are the primaries;
the tail feathers have dusk}- inner webs; the cro^ra and back of head are dull
brown, blacker in front; the sides of the breast are spotted with white; the
centre of the lower bodj^ black; the under wing-coverts j-ellowish; the flight
feathers below dusky, with yellowish inner webs. Length 5 inches. Beak carmine,
broadh' whitish at base; legs ochreous, reddish in front.
The female is paler than the male, greyer on the back; with greyish-bro^vn
tliroat and chest, but with similar white spots at the sides of the breast; the flanks
lighter, tinged with crimson and more numerously spotted than in the male ; the
breast and abdomen buff whitish.
Mr. Gould says:—"This species is an inhabitant of the moist grassy meadows,
particularly where the Pandaiuts (Screw Pine) is abundant. It is generall}- found
feeding among grass, and when disturbed invariably takes to those trees. From
Juh- to November it is observed in large flocks, sometimes of several hundreds;
but although great numbers were shot during this period, not more than three or
four were obtained in rich plumage. About the latter part of November they were
either in pairs or in small companies, not exceeding six in number: the males
decorated with their rich and spotted dress. The food consists of grass and other
small seeds."
The following is from the pen of Mr. A. J, North :—" The eggs * » were
taken by }ilr. J. Rainbird, in 1864, from some of the nests at that time common
on extensive grass-lands near Port Denison. The nest is like all others of the
famil}-, a flask-shaped structure of grasses with a long narrow entrance, placed on
its side in any convenient place, either in Pandaniis trees or adjacent shrubs, or
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