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; J/nr'to/a, LI-XN.
tljE "Brazilian Bunting" and in the yong
iws of ¿uiiiii. and tlie fact that the\r walk, instead of
é.' thè Cardinal Buntings: the}? also resemble
ip .and their love for insect fooi Bven
is 7!0t altogether opposed to this
not infrequently placed in hollows or
the eggs, hcMFever, more nearly resemble
.e genus Passer, and this has probably induced
IparroM-:^ in spite of the fact that the birds
!n Finchcs.
troni S'liilhem Brazil to Bolivia, in Pern, Ecuador,
e ii of a bright greenish yellow colour, the
back »It—»Irprl with, dusky lines ; the wing-feathers
.er yellow; the Bil-feathers blackish, bright
rnally; the crown of the head yellow, bright
yellowish orange; tmder parts bright
Bagtb 5„L inches; the l)eak liom-brown
|h-coloumdi iris greyish4)rGwn.
an the male, though very old hens
•ring; when tolerably young the colouring
y oji the mantle and front of the back,
'Wii-ceutred mtli blackish shaft-lines; the posterior
i , ^ y u t maiikiiiga, but the tail-coverts somewhat dusky
verts yellow, median aud greater coverts dull brown,
t " \ g h t feathers dull brown, edged with ;v'ellow,
uii'-ler or iiear ;i tuft of Iiigh ^'rass.
^Sycalzs fLcLveblcLj
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