phosfiiugHs cns/ains, GllEL.
I ir
l i r a o u at Buenos Ayrts, this beaiitifiil Uitle Bunting
rtfcd. In rSgj I received three cock birds in a
i brrt they readied nie someidiat "Ut ••f condition and
restore liiem t«' vigcnr; indeed ev«i v/hen tliej had
| ed from tht- effects of the jousaBy, one specimen, whiirh I
ns of the Pifeated Finch, shortly aftema.rds died and, as
second became astlimatic and sfecpy and was only restored to
Lth by the use of brandj- and glycerine mixed with its diinking water.*
eral colour of the upper surfece of the male is lake-brown, more
^ be head and towards the ail; the wing-coverts are brown, the edges
^ rath lake-radish; the pria^v coverts and flight feathers dull brown wTth
j K ^ w crimson-ti^ edges; the latt=fc^ers blaaish, similarly edged; a blackedged
satiny , carmine crest on the crown as in C. pilmi,^ lores ami feathers
round the e5-e dusky; eyelid whitirfi; base of cheeks and chin wlriMsh; back, of
oieeks, throat and under surface of body crimson lake; thighs scnnewhat srreyish:
under wing coverts whitish; axillaries somewhat greyish; flights below dusky,"with
.greyish inner edges; beak and legs pale, slale^rey; upper mandible darker; iris
sepia-brown. Length inches.
Dr. Sharpe thus describes. the hen-;—^Mndi duller iii colour than the male,
and ^^•anting the criin.son crest. General ccdDur above brown, ineluding the head!
the rump and upper tail-coverts vinous red; wing-coverts like the back; quills and
tail-feathers edged Avitb brown; lores iish\' \^"bitisli| tiir-covtrts brown tiu'-^'cd \vitb
•••Hious; cheeks-and under surface of body xxde vinous, bro^nier on the fcre-neck
and lireast. Totiri lengtli 64 inches."
' ^^••»en «ny WnJ is so far «an, thai, at t!w approach i.f .lirkiutsi. ii retires to a com«- -.i.)
••» «-itl. .WoUmis; there is nothing like three or four drops uf brandy ami
V 11'
- -'•^-IJI, for recovu'sn.i; it.
P I L E A T E D F IN C H, (CoiypiuospuzgvLs pUMitus)^
R E D - C R E S T E D YmZl^lCoryphosp-ijzgiis cnstatus)^.