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Paruaria capHata, D'ORIS.
Al s o called the "Brown-throated" and the "Lesser Cardinal"; bnt the first of
these is a misnomer, inasmuch as the throat is distinctl)^ black on the upper
-surface of the feathers: indeed, it would be far more applicable either to P. giilaris
or P. cemicalis, in both of which species the black throat-feathers have reddish bases.
P. capitata inhabits Brazil, Paragua}-, and the Argentine Republic.
As with the Dominican Cardinal this bird has the head, including the chin vivid
carmine, the throat black, extending to a point on either side of the cheeks, where
(in life) it disappears behind the red feathering, and tapering almost to a point on
the breast; general colour above slaty-black; feathers of the nape white at their bases;
the rump slightly mottled with grey and with the lateral plumes white-tipped; wingcoverts,
quills and tail feathers black; the inner \\'eb of the outer tail feather
narrowly fringed at the end with white; sides of neck pure white tapering almost
to the nape and continuous with tlie pure white of the undersurface; which, as in
the other species is slightlj- tinged with grey on the sides and flanks; the latter
mottled with dusky bars; thighs white in front, black behind; under wing coverts
and under tail coverts white, a patch of black near the edge of the wing; quills
below dusky, ^vith ashy inner edges; beak bright ochreous yellow; legs flesh-pink;
iris fiery chestnut.* Length 6|- inches. Female like the male.
The young bird differs much as in tlie preceding species. I imported a handsome
young cock of this bird from La Plata early in 1893; it makes a gentle and
liveh- little cage-bird, and seems not at all of a delicate constitution. At the same
time, as it is a species which is now seldom imported, I .should not care to
recommend keeping it in an unheated aviar}- during the winter months. Unhappily
I no longer have the opportunity of doing so if I would.
Herr AViemer remarks:—"In 1873 the Zoological Gardens purchased a pair
* I took the colouring of the beak, legs and iris from m}- bird two minutes after its death, and therefore am certain
•of its accnracv.
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