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Granatina grauatina, Lixx.
J N H A B I T S Southern Africa, eastward to tlie Zambesi, and perliaps to Angola
westward. It is a verj^ beautiful little bird, but is so little imported that I
have uever seeu specimens oiFered for sale.
The general colouring of the male aboA-e is soft chestnut bro^vu, greyer on
the lower back; the wing-coverts and flight feathers greyish-brown, with redder
margins; upper tail-coverts bright metallic blue; tail feathers black, slightly bluish
on the margins ; base of forehead bright blue, continued as a narrow line above
the ej^e; lores dusky; eyebrow, ear-coverts, and sides of face bright lilac; base of
cheeks and front of throat black, gradually diffused hiudward; under surface
chestnut brown; the lower abdomen and vent blackish ; under tail-coverts metallic
blue; flight feathers dull brown, with pale inner web ; length 5 inches; beak
purplish with red tip; legs purplish grey; iris red; eye-ring red or greyish drab.
The female is greyer above and yellower below than the male; its throat
whitish, the lilac ou the face paler, and under tail-coverts not blue. This bird has also
been called the "Granat Astrild" and the "Grenate Finch." Messrs. Sharpe and
Layard were able to give but a meagre account of its habits in a wild state, as follows :—
"Sir Andrew Smith found this species between the Kiegariep and Kurrichane, and we
have received it from Mr. T. C. Atmore from Griciua Laud. Writing from the
Transvaal, Mr. Ayres says The first of these prett3' birds which I met with I
shot in the Mariqua district, amongst some very thick cover; and I afterwards
found them plentiful along the Limpopo; they are generally in pairs, but sometimes
three or four may be seen together. All the Estreldce are pretty nearly
alike in their general movements, and eat similar food.' "
"JL-. Frank Gates obtained the species at Tati, and Mr. T. E. Buckley found
it common in the Matabele country, -where they go about in small flocks."
"I\Ir. Anderson obs e rve sThi s species is not imcommon in Damara Land,
but is more abundant further north, and also at Lake N'gami. It congregates in
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