P l a t e VII.
Fig. 1. Didunculus strigiroslris, one-third of natural size, (reduced from tlie figure in Mr. Gould's " liirds of
Fig. 2 . Head of ditto, natural size, to show the extension of the cere round the eye, the nostril opening downwards,
the great curvature of the upper, and the teeth on the lower horny sheath, with the abrupt termination
of both.
Fig. 3. Head of Treron abyssinica. The peculiar columbine cere and pouting of the nasal scale, the oblique orifice
of the nostril inclined forwards and upwards, and the abrupt termination of the horny sheaths arc shown.
Fig. 4 . Head of Verrvlia carunculala, to show the great development of wattles in a member of the Columbida.
Fig. 5. Front view of left leg of Treron abyssinica.
Fig. 5 a. Side view of ditto.
Fig. 6. Front view of ditto of Geop/iaps scrip/a.
Fig. 6 a. Side view of ditto.
In the former the inner toe is shorter, in the latter longer, than the outer.
Pl a t e VIII.
Side view of the skull of the DODO.
Pl a t e IX.
Fig. 1 . Upper view of skull of the DODO.
Fig. 2 . Lower view of ditto.
Pl a t e IX.*
Fig. 1. Back view of skull of the DODO.
Fig. 2 . Upper view of lower jaw.
Fig. 3. Lower view of ditto.
Fig. 4 . Inner view of ditto, partly in outline, as it could not be viewed directly by the artist.
Fig. 5. Circle of sclerotic bones in the DODO, with the sclerotic coat of the eye-ball.
P l a t e X.
Fig. 1 . Side view of skull of Didunculus slrigirostris.
Fig. 1 a. Back view of ditto.
Fig. 1 b. Upper view of ditto.
Fig. 1 c. Lower view of ditto.
Fig. 2 . Side view of skull of the DODO, reduced to one-third for more accurate comparison.
Fig. 2 a. Back view of ditto, similarly reduced.
Fig. 3. Side, Fig. 3 a. back, 3 b. upper, and 3 c. lower views of skull of Treron chlorigaster.
Fig. 4 . ditto. 4 a. — 4 b. — and 4 c. Goura Steursii.
Fig. 6. ditto. 5 a. — 5 b. — and 5 e. Geophaps Smiihii.
Fig. G. Section of skull of Treron chlorigaster, to show the great development of the frontal diploo, which in the
DODO forms the inter-orbital protuberance.
Fig. 7. Outer view of tympanic bone of Dit/unciilns slrigirostris.
Fig. 7 a. Inner view of ditto.
Fig. 7 b. Lower view of ditto.
Fig. 8. Articular surface of lower jaw, of Didunculus slrigirostris.
Fig. 9 . Front view of metatarsus of Didunculus slrigirostris.
Fig. 9 a. Back view of ditto.
Fig. 9 b. Inner view of metatarsus of Didunculus strigiroslris.
Fig. 9 c. Outer view of ditto.
Fig. 9 d. View of upper extremity of ditto.
Fig. 9 e. lower extremity of ditto.
Fig. 10. Back view of posterior metatarsal of ditto.
Fig. 1 0 a. Front view of ditto.
Pl a t e XL
Fig. 1. Front view of metatarsus of the DODO.
Fig. 2. Back view of ditto.
Fig. 3. Inner view of the metatarsus, and of posterior metatarsal of ditto.
Fig. 4. Outer view of the metatarsus of the DODO.
Fig. 5. View of upper extremity of ditto.
Fig. 6. View of lower extremity of ditto.
Fig. 7. Back view of posterior metatarsal of the DODO.
Fig. 8. Front view of ditto.
Fig. 9. Oblique "view of ditto.
Fig. 10. Upper view of ditto.
Fig. 11. Front view of metatarsus of Goura coronala.
Fig. 1 2 . Back view of ditto.
Fig. 1 3 . Inner view of ditto.
Fig. 14. View of upper extremity of ditto.
Fig. 15. View of lower extremity of ditto.
Fig. 1G. Back view of posterior metatarsal of ditto.
Fig. 1 7 . Front view of ditto.
Fig. 1 8 and 19. Front and back views of posterior metatarsal of Didunculus slrigirostris.
Fig. 2 0 to 2 4 . Corresponding views of metatarsus of I'haps picata.
Fig. 25. Back view of posterior metatarsal of ditto.
Fig. 2 6 to 3 1 . Corresponding views of metatarsi of Geop/iaps scripta.
Fig. 3 2 to 3 7 . of Treron chlorigaster.
Fig. 3 8 to 4 3 . of Lop/iolamus anlarclicus.
Pl a t e XII.
Fig. 1. Front view of metatarsus and toes of the Dodo.
Fig. 1 a. Back view of ditto.
Fig. 1 b. Inner view of ditto.
Fig. 2. Posterior articular facets of proximal phalanges; a, b, c, glenoid fibre-cartilages of three front toes.
Fig. 3 . Back view of outer toe of the DODO, to show the glenoid ligaments: a, the upper.
Fig. 4 . Proximal, and 4 a, distal articular facets of second phalanx of outer toe of the Dodo.
Fig. 5. Side view of ungual phalanx of outer toe of the Dodo.
Fig. 5 a. Articular surface of ditto.
Fig. 6. Front view of foot of Treron chlorigaster.
Fig. 6 a. Hind toe of ditto.
Fig. 7. Front view of foot of Columba arims.
Fig. 7 a. Hind toe of ditto.
Fig. 8. Front view of foot of Geophaps Smithii.
Fig. 8 a. Hind toe of ditto.