i ' 9 0 - ( )—BLUMENBACH (J. E.) Bcytrhgc zur Naturgeschichte. 2 vols. 8vo. Göttingen,
1790; vol. 1. p. 24.
*1790. (Didus ineptus and D. nazarenus)—BONNATERRE (L'Abbé). Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois
règnes de la Nature. Ornithologie. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1790—1S23 ; vol. 1. pp. 1G6,167.
*1790. (Didus ineptus, and D. na:arenus)—LATHAM (John). Index Ornithologicus sive Systcma Ornithologia-.
2 vols. 4to. London, 1790, pp. 662, 663.
1792. (Tölpel)—BECHSTEIN (J. M.) Kurzgefasstc Naturgeschichte des In- u. Auslandes. 2 vols, 8vo. Leipzig,
1792-94 ; v. 1. p. 456.
*1792. (Bidus ineptus)—SHAW (George). Naturalist's Miscellany, or coloured figures of Natural Objects drawn
and described immediately from Nature. 24 vols. 8vo. London, 1790-1S13 ; vol. 4. pi. 123,143 ; vol. 5.
pi. 166.
1793. (Bronte)—DONKDORFF (J. A.) Handbuch der Thiergeschichte. Svo. Leipzig, 1793.
*1795. (Bidits ineptus)—DONNDORFF (J. A.) Ornithologische Beytriige zur xiii. Ausgabe des Lmucischen Natursystems.
2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1795 ; vol. 2. p. 19.
•1795. (Gemeine Buda and Nazarene Budu)—BF.CHSTEIN (J. M.) Johann Latham's allgemeine Uebersicht der
Vögel. 4 vols. 4to. Nürnberg, 1792-1812; vol. 2. pp. 764, 766. pi. 71.
1796. ( )—BLUMENBACH (J. E.) Abbildungen der Naturhistorische Gegenstande. Göttingen,
1796-1810, pl. 35.
*1798. (Brontè)—CUVIER (George). Tableau élémentaire de l'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux. 1 vol. Svo. Paris,
An. vi., p. 251.
*1801. (Bidus ineptus)—STEWART (C.) Elements of Natural History. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1S01 ; vol. 1.
p. 233.—Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1817 ; vol. 1. p. 219.
•1801. (Bodo)—GRANT (Charles). The History of Mauritius, or the Isle of France, and the neighbouring Islands
from their first discovery to the present time. 4to. London, 1801, p. 144.s
*1804. (Bodo)—BORY ST. VINCENT (J. B. G. M.) Voyage dans les quatre principales Iles des Mers d'Afrique.
3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1804, vol. 2. p. 302.
*1806. (Bronte)—DUMERIL (Constant). Zoologie analytique ou méthode naturelle de classification des Animaux.
8vo. Paris, 1806, p. 56.
•1808. (Bidus ineptus and B. nazarenus)—REES (Abraham). Article DIDUS in "The New Cyclopaîdia or Universal
Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature." Vol. 10. pt. 2.
1809. (Bodo)—SHAW (George). Zoological Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution. 2 vols. 8vo. London,
1809 ; vol. 1. p. 213. pi. 69.
•1811. (Bidus inept us)—ILLIGER (Carolus). Prodromus Systematis Mammalium ct Avium, additis terminis
zoographicis utriusque classis eorumque versione germanica. 8vo. Berolini. 1811, p. 245.
*1817. (Bronte)—CUVIER (George). Le Règne Animal distribué d'après son organization. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris,
1817; vol. 1. p. 463.—Nouvelle e'dition. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829; vol. 1. p. 497.
*1S17. (Bronte and Oiseau de Nazare)—SONNINI (C. W, S.) Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle. Nouvelle
édition. 36 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816—1819 ; v. 9. p. 589 ; v. 23. p. 431.
•1819. (Bronte)—DUMONT (C.) Article DROSTE in "Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles." 8vo. Paris;
vol. 13. p. 519.
*1820. (Bidus ineptus)—TEMMINCK (C. J.) Manuel d'Ornithologie, ou Tableau systématique des Oiseaux qui
se trouvent en Europe ; précédé d'une Analyse du Système général d'Ornithologie. 2nde édition, 4 vols.
8vo. Paris, 1820-1840; pt. 1. p. exiv.
•1823. (Hooded Bodo and Nazarene Bodo)—LATHAM (John). A general history of Birds. 10 vols. 4to. Winchester,
1821-1824 ; vol. 8. pp. 372, 375. pi. 135.
*1823. (Bidus)—VIGORS (N. A.) Observations on the Natural Alfinities that connect the Orders and Families of
Birds ; in the " Transactions of the Linncan Society of London." vol. 14. p. 484.
•1825. (Oiseau de Nazare)—DUMONT (C.) Article OISEAU DE NAZARE in " Dictionnaire des Scicnecs naturelles."
vol. 35. p. 494.
•1826. (Bidus ineptus)—STEPHENS (J. F.) General Zoology, or systematic Natural History, by George Shaic,
continued by J. F. Stephens. 14 vols. 8vo. London, 1800-1826; vol. 14. p. 308. pi. 40.
•1827. (Bidus ineptus)—GRAY (John Edward). On the Dodo; in the "Zoological Journal." v.3. p. 605.
"1828. (Bidus ineptus)—DUNCAN (John Shutc). A summary review of the authorities on which naturalists are
justified in believing that the Dodo, Didui ineptus. Linn., was a bird existing in the Isle of France, or
neighbouring islands, until a recent period ; in the " Zoological Journal." v. 3. p. 554.
*1828. (Bidus ineptus)—ESTRUP (P. J.) Haandbog i Ornithologien eller Naturhistorie of de nuerkva>rdigste
Fugle. 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1828 ; p. 173.
»1828. (Bidus ineptus)—STAKK (John). Elements of Natural History. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828 ; vol. 1.
p. 330.
•1828. (Bronte)—LESSON (R. P.) Manuel d'Ornithologie ou description des genres et des principales espèces
d'oiseaux. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1828 ; vol 2. p. 210.
*1829. (Bodo)—GRIFFITH (Edward). The Animal Kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization, by
Baron Cuvier ; with additional descriptions by E. Griffith. 16 vols. 8vo. Ixmdou, 1827-1835 ; vol. 8.
pp. 299, 443.
•1829. (Bodo)—THOMPSON (J. V.) Contributions towards the Natural History of the Dodo (Bidus ineptus), a bird
which appears to have become extinct towards the end of the 17th or beginning of the 18th century ; in
Ijoudon's " Magazine of Natural History." vol. 2. p. 443.
*1830. (Bodo)—BLAINVILLE (II. D. de). Mémoire sur le Dodo, autrement Dronte, in " Nouvelles Annales du
Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle." vol. 4. p. 1. pl. 1-4.
*183l. (Bidus ineptus)—EICHWALD (Edward). Zoologia specialis. 3 vols. 8vo. Viliue, 1831 ; vol. 3. p. 257.
*1832. (Bidus)—BOIE (F.) Art. DIDUS m Ersch and Gruber's "Allgemeine Encyclopiidie der Wissenschafteu u.
Kunste." 4to. Leipzig ; vol. 24. p. 545.
*1833. (Bodo)—LYELL (Charles). Principles of Geology. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1833; v. 2. p. 157.
—3rd cd. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1S34; v. 3. p. 60.
*1833. (Bodo)—KNIGHT (Charles). On the Dodo, in the " Penny Magazine." 8vo. London, 1832-1846 ; vol. 2.
p. 209.
»1835. (Bodo)—SWAINSON (W.) Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals, in Lardner's " Cabinet
Cyclopaedia." p. 112.
•1836. (Bodo)—WIF.GMANN (A. F. A.) Ueber den Dodo ; in " Weigmann's Archiv fur Naturgeschiehte." 1836;
v. 2. p. 271.
*1836. (Bronte)—KAUP (J. J.) Das Thicrrcich in scinen llauptformen systématise» beschrieben. 3 vols. 8vo.
Darmstadt, 1835, 1836 ; vol. 2. p. 232.
•1836. (Bodo)—BUCKLAND (William). Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology.
2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836 ; vol. 2. p. 17. pl. 1. f. 120.
*1837. (Bidus)—BRONN (H. G.) Lcthoea Geognosticn, oder Abbildungen u. Beschreibungen der ftir die GcbirgsformationcnbczxichnendstenVersteinerungcn.
2vols. 8vo. and atlas 4lo. Stuttgart, 1835-1837; pp.824,
1171. pi. 44. f.7.
*1837. (Bodo)—BRODERIP (William John). The article DODO in the "Penny Cyclopaedia." vol. 9. p.47.
*1839. (Bidus ineptus)—LA FRESNAYE (M. de). Nouvelle Classification des Oiseaux de Proie, ou Rapaces ; in the
" Revue Zoologiquc par la Société Cuvicrieunc." 1839. p. 193.
*1840. (Bodo)—GRAY (J. E.) Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. 12mo. London, 1840. p. 99.
1841. (Bronte)—REINIIARDT (Cand.) in Froriep's "Notizcn." 1841. No. 364.
•1842. (Bronte)—REINIIARDT (Cand.) Noiere Oplysiimg om det i Kiobenhavn fundne Drontehoved ; in
H. Kriiger's " Xaturhistorisk Tidskrift." Svo. Kiobenhavn ; vol. 4. p, 71.
2 M