8vo. Lcwardcn, 1771. " Begin ende Voortgangh der Vcrecn. Ncderl. Geoctr. Oostind. Compagnie."
vol. 2. no. xvi. p. 102. plate 7.—Thevenot, Eclations de divers Voyages curieux, vol. 1, Voyage dc Bontekoe,
pi. p. 5.
*1627. (Dodo)—HERBERT (Sir Thomas). Relation of some yearcs' Travailc, begunnc Anno 1626, into Afrique
and the Greater Asia, especially the territories of the Persian Monarchic, and some parts of the Oricntall
Indies and Iles adiacent. fol. London, 1631, p. 211.—(2nd edition.) Some yearcs' Travels into divers
parts of Asia and Afrique, describing especially the two famous empires, the Persian and Great Mogull.
Revised and enlarged by the Author, fol. London, 1638, p. 347.—(3rd edition.) Some years Travels
into divers parts of Africa and Asia the Great, fol. London, 1677, p. 382.
*1635. (Cygnus cucullatus)—NIEREMHERG (J. D.) Ilistoria Natura;, maxime peregriua;, libris xvi. distincta. fol.
Antwcrpioe, 1635, p. 231.
•1638. (Oiseaux de Nazaret)—CAUCHE (François). Relation du Voyage de F. Cauche, in " Relations véritables
et curieuses de l'Isle de Madagascar." 4to. Paris, 1651.
*1638. (Dodo)—L'ESTRAXGE (Sir Harnon). Notes on Brown's Vulgar Errors, British Museum MSS. Sloane,
1839. 5.—Wilkin's edition of Brown's Works, v. 1. p. 369 ; v. 2. p. 173.
•1656. (Dodar)—TRADESCANT (John). Museum Tradcscantiauum, or a Collection of Rarities preserved at South
Lambeth, near London. 12mo. 1656, p. 4.
*1657. (Cygnus cucidlalus)—JOHNSTON (Johannes). Ilistoria; naturalis de Avibus libri vi. fol. Amstelodami, 1657,
p. 122. pi. 56.
•1658. (Dronte or Dodaers)—Piso (Guliclmus). Additions to " Jacobi Bontii Historic naturalis ct mcdica; India;
Oricntalis libri sex," in " Gulielmi Pisonis Medici Amstchedamensis de India; utriusque rc naturali ct
medicà libri quatuordecim." fol. Amstelaidami, 1658 ; lib. v. ch. 17. p. 70.
*1663. (Dronte or Dodaers)—THEVENOT (Melchizedcc). Relations dc divers Voyages curieux qui n'ont point este
publiées. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1663.—Nouvelle édition, 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1696. Voy. de Bontekoe.
pl. pp. 1, 5.
*1665. (Dodo)—HUBERT alias FORGES (Robert). A Catalogue of part of those Rarities collected in thirty years
time with a great deal of Pains and Industry, by one of his Majestic's sworn Servants, R. II. alias Forges,
Gentleman. 12mo. Loudon, u. d.—(2nd cd.) A catalogue of many natural rarities with great industry,
cost and thirty years travel in foraign countries collected by Robert Hubert alias Forges, Gent., and sworn
servant to liis Majesty. And daily to be seen at the place formerly called the Music House near the west
end of St. Paul's Church. 12mo. London, 1665, p. 11.
•1666. (Gallus peregrinus)—OhF,\RWS (Adam). Die Gottorfische Kunstkammcr. 4to. Schlcswig, 1666; 1674,
pi. 13. f. 5.
»1668. (Dodo)—CHARLETON (Gualterus). Onomasticon Zoicon, plcrorumque Animalium differentias ct nomina
propria pluribus Unguis exponens. 4to. London, 1668, p. 113.
*1676. (Cygnus cucullatus)—WILLUGHBY (Franciscus). Ornithologia! Libri très, in quibus Aves omnes hactenus
cognita; in methodum naturis suis convenicntem describuntur. fol. Loudon, 1676, p. 107. pi. 27.—
Translated into English and enlarged by John Bay. fol. London, 1678, p. 153. pi. 27.
•1677. (Dodo)—CHARLETON (Gualterus). Excrcitationes de diffcrentiis ct nominibus Animalium. fol. Oxford,
1677, p. 117.
"1681. (Dodo)—HARRY (Benj.) A coppey of Mr. Benj. Harry's Journall when he was chcif mate of the Shippe
Berkley Castle, Capt. Win. Talbot then commander, on a voyage to the Costc and Bay, 1679, which
voyage they wintered at the Maurrisshcs. Brit. Mus. Addit. MSS. 3668. 11. 1).
*1681. (Dodo)—GREW (Nehemiah). Musajum Rcgalis Socictatis ; or a Catalogue and description of the natural
and artificial Rarities belonging to the Royal Society, fol. London, 1681, p . 60.
•1684. (Gallusgallinaceus peregrinus)—Li.nvrïD (Edward). Catalogus Animalium qua; in Museo Ashmolcano
conscrvantur. MS. in Ashmolcan Museum. Lib. Dni. Principalis Coll. ^ n c i Nasi, No. 29.
1688. ( )—LACROIX ( ). Relation des Iles d'Afrique.
*1700. (Bodo)—HYDE (Thomas). Ilistoria Rcligionis veterum Pcrsarum corumquc Magorum. 4to. Oxon. 1700
p. 312. pi. 7.
*1704. (Bronte)—NIEUHOFF (John). Voyages and Travels to the E. Indies in Churchill's Collection of Voyages
and Travels. 4 vols. fol. London, 1704 ; v. 2. p. 354.
*1713. (Cygnus cucullatus)—RAY (John). Synopsis mcthodica Avium etPiscium; opus posthumum. 12mo.
London, 1713, p. 37.
•1752. (Raphus)—MOEIIRING (P. II. G.) Avium Genera. 12mo. Brenne, 1752, p. 58.
* 1757. (Dodo)—EDWARDS (George). Gleanings of Natural History, exhibiting figures of Quadrupeds, Birds,
Fishes, Insects, &c. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1755-1764, pi. 294.
•1758. (Struthio cucullatus)—LINN.EUS (Carolas). Systema Natura; per Régna tria Natura;, editio décima.
2 vols. 8vo. Holmioe, 1758 ; vol. 1. p. 155.
*1760. (Raphus)—BRISSON (M. J.) Ornithologia, sive Synopsis mcthodica sistens Avium divisionem in
Ordines, Scctiones, Genera, Species, ipsarumque Varictatcs. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1760 ; vol. 5. p 15.
*1767. (Cynge étranger)—SALERNE ( ). L'Histoire Naturelle éclaircie dans une de ses parties principales,
l'Ornithologie, fol. Paris, 1767, p. 80.
*1767. (Didui ineptus)—LINN.EUS (Carolus). Systema Natura; per regna tria Natunc, secundum classes, ordines,
genera, species, cum charactcribus, diffcrentiis, synonymis, locis. cd. 12. 3 vols. 8vo. Holmia;, i-,67 ;
vol. 1. p. 267.
•1770. (Bronte and Oiseau de Nazare)—BUFFON ( G . L. Le Clerc de). Histoire naturelle des Oiseaux. 9 vols. Ho.
Paris, 1770-1783 ; vol. 1. pp. 480, 485.—Ed. 2. 10 vols. fol. Paris, 1771-1786; vol. 2. pp. 73, 77.
—Nouvelle édition par C. S. Sonnini, 28 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801-1805 ; vol. 4. pp. 336, 343. pl. 33. f. 1.
1773. (Dodo)—SELIGMANN (J. M.) Sammlung seltener Vögel. 8 vola. fol. Nürnb. 1749-1773 ; v. 8. pl. 84.
(Broute)—BOMARE (J. C. V. dc). Dictionnaire raisonné universel d'Histoire Naturelle. 5 vols. 8vo.
Paris, 1765-1768.
1773. (Tölpel)—MULLER (P. L. S.) Vollständiges Natursystem. 6 vols. 8vo. Nürnberg, 1773-76 ; vol. 2.
*1778. (Dronte)—MOREL ( ). Sur les Oiseaux monstrueux nommés Dronte, Dodo, Cygne capuchonné,
Solitaire, ct Oiseau de Kazan', et sur la petite Isle de Sable à 5(1 lieues environ de Madagascar, in " Observations
sur la Physique." vol. 12. p. 154.
1779. (Didus ineptus)—BLUMENBACII . (J. F.) Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Svo. Göttingen, 1779.
(French) Manuel d'Histoire naturelle, trad. par. S. Artaud. 2 vols. 8vo. Metz, 1803 ; vol. 1. p. 256.
pi. . (English) tr. by R. T. Gore. 8vo. London, 1S25, p. 119.
*1781. (Dronte, Tölpel, Kazarvogel)—BOROWSKI (G. IL) Gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte des Thicrrcichs. 2 vols.
8vo. Berlin u. Stralsund. 1781, 1782 ; vol. 1. pp. 161, 162. pi. 25.
•1783. (Didus ineptus)—HERMANN (J.) Tabula affinitatum Animalium. 4to. Argcntorati, 1783, pp. 132, 163.
1784. (Dronte)—LESKE (N- G.) Anfangsgründe der Naturgeschichte, cd. 2. Svo. Leipzig, 1784.
•1785. (Hooded Dodo and Nazarene Dodo.)—L.VTnASl (John). A General Synopsis of Birds. 3 vols. 4to. London,
1781-1785 ; vol. 3. pp. 1, 4. pi. 70.—Sup. 2. p. 286.
*1788. (Didus ineptus and D. Nazurenus)—GMELIN (J. F . ) Caroli à Linné Systema Natura;, editio décima tertia,
aucta, reformata. 3 vols. Svo. Lipsia;, 177S-1793 ; vol. 1. p. 728.
*1788. (Dronte and Oiseau de Nazare)—RAY (P.A.F.) Zoologie universelle ct portative. 4to.Paris, 1788, pp. 188,886.
1788. (Dronte)—B.vrscn (A. J. G. K.) Versuch einer Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Geschichte der Thiere und
Mineralien, für akademische Vorlesungen entworfen. 2 vols. 8vo. Jena, 178S-S9.
1789. (Tölpel)—BECKSTEIN (J. M.) Gemeinnützige Naturgeselüchte Deutschlands. 4 vols. 8vo. Leipzig,
1790. (Dronte)—FUNKE (C. P.) Naturgeschichte und Technologie. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1790.
(Dronte, Fbe/vogel, Mönchschicau)—GATTERER (C. W. J.). Vom Nutz u. Sch. d. TL