Si GBET-LAQ Goon. GOOM and goslings.
J I, WHOOPER. Immature plumage.
¿1 f- SHOVELLER. Male and female in first autumn plumage.
':• SHOVELLER. Adult males in change of plumage.
SnoviLUK. Male and female, adult plumage.
GADWALL. Immature drake.
EIDER. Female and young.
/ , EIDER. Male and female in first autumn plumage.
EIDER. Adult male and male in intermediate plumage.
1 SCOTER. Immature stages.
ƒ F POCHARD. Adult male, and male of Faget's Pochard.
<,, OOLDENEYE. Adult male and immature male.
SMEW. Immature male.
ft RED-BREASTED MERGANSER. Adult female and brood.
RED-BREASTED MERGANSER. Adult male, summer
p l a n e t
It ED-BREASTED MEHGANSER. Adult male, winter.
GooaUCTODL Female and young.
GOOSANDER, Adult male and male in plumage of first
GREAT CRESTED GREBE. Adults in winter plumage.
j. RED-NECKED GREBE. Immature.
. ( j RED-KECKED GREDE. Adult, winter.
COMMON GUILLEMOT. Female with young.
. COMMON GUILLEMOT. Kinged form in winter plumage.
PUFFIN. Adult male, summer plumage and immature.
GANNKT. Adult female and Resiling between five and
sis weeks old.
.j GASKET. Nesllim; between eight and nine weeks old.
Qunr. Y.mng bird fidly fledged and nestling
between ten and eleven weeks old.
GiNNET. Second year's plumage.
GANNET. Third year's plumage.
Gt.VNET. Fourth and fifth years' plumiige.
SANDWICH TERN. Adult and immature in autumn
p i m p .
ROSEATE TERN. Adult female, summer.
l.iTTi.E Gnu. Immature.
111.^ K-UEADED Gi LI- Adult in change of plumage.
RUCK-HEADED GULL. Immature in first and second
years' plumage.
GREAT RUCK-BACKED (iur.i.. Plumage of fifth year.
GUOOOU1 GII.L. Immature.
KlTTIWAKE. Female and young.
POMATORIIIKE SKUA. Fir-t autumn plumage, dark and
light forms.
POM ATOII NINE SKUA. Intermediate stages, dark and
light forms,
PoMAToiiiiiNi: SKUA. Adult plumage, dark and light
ARCTIC SKUA. F'irst autumn plumage.
ARCTIC SKUA. Intermediate stages, dark and light
AUITIL- SKUA. Adult male and female.
AniTie SKUA. Adult females.
Ittm Ttlfitn SKIA. Adult in winter and first autumn
FULMAR. Dark and light furms.
STOIIMT PETREL. Adult- in winter plumage.