2 B E A N - G O O S E .
scale at 9£ lbs. On their iirst arrival in Norfolk toward* the close of autumn, I have met with manyfar
lighter birds; at that season they frequently collect in considerable numbers ou the hills immediately
adjoining the broads and offer fair chances for a punt-gun. 1 noted down in my journal that eight
secured at one shot some years back only averaged sis and a half pouuds.
W H I T E - F R O N T E D G 0 0 S E
THOUGH I have met with White-fronted Geese in various parti of the country, Irani north to south, my
notes contain little information about these handsome birds beyond references to the numbers slain, and
I am able lo add little or nothing to the knowledge already possessed concerning their habits.
This species is a visitor to all parti of the British Islands within n few miles of the coast-lino, grassmarshes
and the sandy flats along the shore, as well as saltwater mud-hanks, being its favourite resorts.
Bona fivcr-and-tunity years ago these Geese were exceedingly numerous during winter aliout the
extensive feeding-gran nils in Fevensey Level in Sussex, flocks of from two to three hundred being
occasionally seen. Twice ono morning in December 18.1!) I succeeded in stopping five birds with the two
barrels of a heavy ten-bore, the river-hanks on the tirst occasion, and the shelter afforded by a marshgnto
together with the adjoining posts and rails on the second, enabling a near approach lo he made.
These Geese have gradually deserted this famous wildfowl resort of former days; the last time I was in
the district, some ten or twelve years ago, a great change was ascertained to have taken place, one of
the local gunners (a "looker," who had accompanied me on my rounds since I first shot there) stating
that he bad not observed a flock of these birds for many winters. On the hills around llickling Broad
and on the Holmes marshes hi the east of Norfolk they frequently consort with Bean-Ueese, and the two
species have been repeatedly killed at one discharge of either the punt- or shoulder-gun.
The young turds make their way as far south as the pools in the vicinity of the Land's End by the
latter end of October : in 1SS0 I examined several killed within a few miles of Penzance. Tiny also
occasionally visit the Sussex coast at an early date: for leveral days during the second week in October lHy.">
about half a dozen wild Geese wen: observed flying about Shorcbam, and one, wlrich proved to be a
juvenile of this species, was shot at a pool of brackish water between the harbour and Lancing on the
15th of the month. Although the adults arc considered a dainty dish when properly served up, they
by no means compare with the young, which certainly are, as far as I have been able to judge, the
finest flavoured of any wildfowl to he met with on our shores. In the plumage of the first autumn
there is a total absence of white marking at the base of the bill, and in that state they might readily be
mistaken for immature Beau-Geese or Grey-lags, by those unacquainted with the colouring (,f the legs and
beaks of each species. The tints of the soft parts of a young bird taken down shortly after it had been
shot were as follows:—1'pper and lower mandibles chrome-yeHow, though not so deep or rich as in the
adult, the nail a pale brownish tinge. Legs and toes the same tint of yellow as the mandibles, with
webs slightly darker, nails pale slate-colour. The weight of the yomig one from which the colours
were taken was within three ounces of four pounds.
The call-note of the White-fronted Goose somewhat resembles a hoarse peal of laughter, and the bird
is occasionally styled the Laughing Goose.