"1880, February. Material* for building were collected by the old pair during the month, and a
foundation of the nest was laid down. Constant encounters with their noighliours, who persisted in stealing
whatever they eoold lay hold of, somewhat delayed the completion ; and ¡1 was not till well on in April that
the structure assumed anything approaching the correct proportions. From this date it was seldom left
tin protect ill.
" May 10th. An egg was noticed this morning in the Camlets' nest.
"June 1th. The pair continued sitting closely, the nest being at all times tenanted byeiiherthe male
or female. (lue or the other was almost incessantly employed in carrying fresh materials (grass, seaweed, and
feathers) and adding to their nest; the structure, however, being flattened down by their weight, increased
but little in size or height.
" tOttt. On visiting the Gauncts in the evening, I remarked the male and female both asleep by the side
of the pood and the ctrg unguarded. This was the first time it had been baft exposed to view.
" ¿1st. The female was agaiu sitting. For several days the other pairs of Cannot* wen' uneasy, and
frequently nttacked the sitting bird; possibly they were enraged by the pertinacity with which all their
nesiing-uiaterials were seized by one or other of the old pair and appropriated.
" 30th. The glimpse that was obtained of the egg showed thai it was cracked and chipped.
"Jul) 1st. In the morning the young bird {a small, black, shapeless monstrosity re-eiiililing a toad) was
partly clear of the shell, and fully hatched by mid-day. The female had apparently not left the nest for several
"2nd. The male Uannct mounted guard on the nest, and both remained side by side till night. I
noticed the young one stretching its small naked wing-joints while the parents were shifting positions over it.
" 3rd. One of the old birds plucked a number of feathers from its hack, placing them carefully on the
nest. This was a somewhat useless proceeding, as on flapping its wings shortly after the whole were blown away.
" 7th. Roth old birds silting on the u, st. The young one now showed the eyes open : iris d irk hazel;
eyelid and circle livid skile-colour; beak a dull slate, white at the point; a slight sprinkle of down on the
head. The lmdy was invisible under the old birds.
"8th. Obtained a better view of the youngster. There was no down except on the head. Both parents
on nest almost continually.
" Dili. Young Cannet very noisy, squalling in the most vigorous manner. The old birds were feeding it
on several occasions when visited.
" lOtli, The down on the nestling increase! on the head and sprouting all over the back. The beak was
now about three quarters or an inch long.
" 11th. This was the first day on which I obtained a chance of closely watching the operation of Feeding
the young bird. Had I not previously viewed the performance at a distance on the Bass, I should certainly
have imagined the young one was about to be swallowed by an unnatural parent. Tim old bird, for a few
minutes before commencing, gave evidence, by certain movements in the neck, that the food was being prepared
and gradually brought up. The nestling was calling laintly and lifting up its head open-mouthed, when the
old bird dropped forward, and, opening the beak to an enormous extent with the head drawn sideways,
apparently scooped the young one into its mouth. Being almost entirely concealed, the actions of the young
one could only he conjectured. From having frequently observed their movements when of larger growth, it
is evident that they help themselves to the preparation ejected into the throat of the parent.
" 11th. Young Ganuet much increased En size, but no more down showing, less, in fact, licing discerned
than was noticed some days previously. Doubtless the grimy feet of the parents, almost perpetually spread
ui or I he bar],, w ere responsible 1' a* lb..1 apparent diminution.
" 19th, Male and female lighting most viciously, the male apparently desiring to come to the nest and the
G ANN ET. 11
female refusing to leave. During the struggle the male was almost choked. After having been seized by the
threat by his spouse, who resolutely refused to let go, be dnigged her from the nest in bis attempt to escape,
and the unforl naatc habby n as precipitated out of the nisi ". As the aceideul was witnessed, and the j ouug
one imiucdialely returned lo its quarters, no harm resulted.
" 2»th. Young bird much increased in size and dow u.
" 2 till. Male and female Gannet* once more friendly, and silting cosily side by side on the nest. Young
bird now increasing rapidly. The down by tins time was thicker on the body (when it had been so long in
making its appearance) than on the head and neck. The old birds now feed the young- one, ..landing over and
opening the mouth (the jaws seeming in some rnnimer to unhinge to an unnatural extant), the young one
rising up and stretching well into the gullet.
" 18th. The old birds did not now stretch down their heads so far when feeding. The food supplied
consisted of good-ized pieces of mackerel, one tlthd of a lish licing noliced to fall down the young one's throat.
"31st. While feeding the young one the old male dropped a whole mackerel from his throat, hut
immediately snatched it op ami resuallowed it, duly correcting the habby, who had made an attempt to
appropriate the lish. The young bird almost entirely covered with down up lo the black fair.
" August lllh. The ¡1. iiui.-r- of the Canncts arc not nice. Both old birds were sitting on Hie nest while
the male was feeding the infant. A herring and several pieces happened to drop from his throat, when a
portion was seized by the young one, while the female nt once laid hold of the herring, leaving only the
remaining bits lo her lord and master, who forlhw lib gobbled them up and then waddled oil' to the pondf.
" 11th. Young Gannet apparently fully covered with down, hut no feathers as yet showing.
" 18th. Tail-feathers just commencing to show on the young bird,
" ¿1st. The tail was now plainly visible all rouud, and the wing-feathers were just appearing.
'• 211th. The feathers were now coming thickly on the hick and wings.
" Sept. 1st. Young Gannet geli ing well Hedged on hack and wings; feathers also showing plainly uu the
forehead; this part, being hare black skin, the feaLhers resemble small while specks.
" Oth. The young binl now took food when offered, and succeeded in swallowing a couple of mackerel
placed in its mouth.
" 13th. Nearly all the down disappeared off I he back of the young bird, the leathers show iug through the
down all over the breast.
" 17th- The young Gauuet was today left in the nest for n short time, unattended by either male or
female, Very little down now visible: a small bunch on back of neck and under the throat, and a few
patches on the flanks.
" 10th. Young Gannet attacked severely by the male, who seized the poor bird by the neck and, forcing
it from the nest, dashed its head against the woodwork of the shed. In order to prevent a recurrence of
this treatment, the nest was shut off with wire-work, so as to keep the old birds at a distance.
"20lh. As the young bird appeared uneasy in confinement, continually attempting to get through the
n ires, and causing the beak and feet to bleed, it was released. The parents for some time would take but little
notice of their offspring, though the poor bird at once made its way towards them and cried for food t ; at
length one mid then the other would occasionally pluck a little of the down from the head.
* !>..,! joruiR.trn nmiill tbo not. IIHI on ihi- lodge* on Ihe IW plainly show 11* toufh treatment they go tnrongh wli u IboirPAIENL* fJI out.
t Then- i'mli- me rn-NTIII.1 lint NIIINIII'b. A, IB.-Y a-»iil in art mnliiii; FIR die i|i,.nae.i - ..1 i!r, i.M[muni li-li inli.nl ON llu> birrAiuc-
MPSS. WLSN the Mrii ART thick and frequently •AAFFFAF at AN another, SB SRSO M drugKiiio. t**9 portion! of Ihr IN.In, it will NO readily
unit.-r-liml how thr frigmrnii cotleel.
; TV n.liv™ of Canty Bay (who ought to 1» well nequinlol well ttao habin of too (Jew) declare lint (he old lii-1. Isfes no Dutica oT tie
r*asf «fior KNSSBF tin- MS. msssassj to • ) o»n ihawsm nss anhaasal appear, correct.