over the unsuspecting fish, nml raising his arm, Bob dashed the (ioi.it of the quant through its skull, and alter
a few (taps our prize was secured, and proved, when neighed, to he just over 10 lbs. After taking the pike up
to the farmhouse at which wo were staving, it was placed in a large dish and conveyed into the larder.
During our absence iu the afternoon the farmer's wife made an examination of the tish, and on returning
she informed us that it had been feeding on white herrings*. This was a strange assertion, and proceeding
at once to ascertain the true state of the case, it was obvious at a glance. The pike had evidently snapped
up three rudf for his last repast, and decomposition having already set in, and the red off the tins and the
seales with their green and orange tinge having disappeared, the llsh had assumed the pale blue aud white hue
which is always exhibited by a fresh-caught herring.
• Fresh-emigtit herrings ore >•»»• l.j thii uime in the country U M i of the cut of Norfolk,
t This M i» Blwayi srnken uf is the " roud " in the Broad M M by the nmitcn.