Tho following are tits stages nf this species figured in the Plates, together with the dates on which they
were obtained:—
Plate I. A young bird of the year, shot September 2Sth, 1874, in Aberlady Ray in the Firth of Forth.
Plate I I . Intermediate stages of dark and light form (probably in the third or fourth year, judging from
the changes exhibited by I'omatorbine Skuas kept in confinement \ shot September 16th, 1*7 t, between the
islands of Fidra and Ebris in the Firth of Forth.
Plato I I I . Adult male (light form) and female (dark form), obtained at their nesting-quarters in Caithness,
May 31st, 1800.
Plate IV. Two adult females, shot in the Firth of Forth on August 38th and 29th, 1671.