1. Atypus Sulzeri. a, ? ; b, <$ ; c, ^ ; profile view ; d, the same from below ; e, eyes; / , portion
°f leg ; y , extremity of palpus of î ; It, palpus with palpal organs of <?.
2. Lycosa agretyca. a, ? ; b, $ .
3. „ campestris. a, ? ; b, $ ; c, maxillae and labium.
4. „ andrenivora. a, î ; b, ; c, cephalo-thorax and abdomen in profile ; d, eyes ; e, labium,
maxillæ, &c. ; f , claws with portion of leg ; g, palpal organs of $ .
5. „ rapax. a,%- ,b,$.
6. . „ ■ herbigrada. ? .
7. „ allodroma. a, $ ; b, $.
8. „ picta. a, ? ; b, <?.
To facilitate comparison, the palpal organs of the left side are invariably chosen for representation,
and, with very few exceptions, as seen directly on the under surface. The palpal organs are nearly all
given as magnified fifteen diameters.