C l u b io n a p a l l e n s . PI. VIII, fig. 8 2 .
Clubiona pallens> Koch, Die Arachn., Band yi, p. 19, tab. 185, figs. 443, 414.
— — Blackw., Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., second series, vol. xiv,
p. 30.
Length of the female, gth of an in ch ; length of the cephalo-thorax, ^th, breadth, ^th
breadth of the abdomen, ; length of a posterior leg, ^ths; length of a leg of the thin
pair, rath.
The cephalo-thorax is somewhat oval, broadly rounded in front, sparingly clothed witl
fine, short hairs, convex, glossy, and of a yellowish-brown colour, faintly tinged with olive
green, the anterior part being the darkest. The eyes are disposed in two transverse rows or
the anterior part of the cephalo-thorax; the anterior row is situated immediately above the
frontal margin, and is nearly straight, the two intermediate eyes being the largest and darkest
of the eight; the posterior row, which is the longer, is curved, with its convexity directed
backwards, and the two intermediate eyes are separated by a wider internal than that which
divides them from the lateral eyes of the same row. The falces are strong, conical, prominent»
and have one or two small teeth and some long hairs on the inner surface; the maxillae are
long, straight, and enlarged where the palpi are inserted and at the extremity; and the lip is
somewhat oval, but truncated and slightly notched at its extremity. These organs are of a
reddish-brown colour, the falces being much the darkest. The sternum is oval, and has small
eminences on the lateral margins, opposite to the leg s; the legs are moderately long, and
provided with hairs and sessile spines; the fourth pair is the longest, then the second, and
the third pair is the shortest; each tarsus is terminated by two curved, pectinated claws,
below which there is a small scopula. These parts, with the palpi, are of a pale, yellowish-
brown hue. The abdomen is of an oblong-oviform figure, and is covered with short, fine
hairs; it is convex above, projecting a little over the base of the cephalo-thorax, and of a*
yellowish-red colour, the under part being the palest, and has some black hairs at its anterior
extremity; the sexual organs have a red-brown tint, and that of the branchial opercula is
The sexes are similar in colour, but the male is smaller than the female. Its palpi are
short; the radial is smaller than the cubital joint, and projects a long, dark-brown, pointed
apophysis from its extremity, on the outer sid e; the digital joint is of a brown hue, and is as
broad at the extremity as at the base; it is convex and hairy externally, concave within,
comprising the palpal organs, which are moderately developed, not very complicated; in
structure, and of a dark-brown colour, tinged with red.
Three adult females and an adult male of Clubiona pallens were received in October,
1853, from the Rev. Hamlet Clark, who took them at Holme Fen, in Huntingdonshire, about
the middle of September, in the same year.
The Clubiona pallens of M. Hahn (‘Die Arachn.,’ Band ii, p. 10, tab. 40, fig. 101) is not
included among the synonyma of the above species, as there appears to be much uncertainty
about its identity. M. Walckenaer has added the Clubiona pallens of M. Koch to the
synonyma of Clubiona amarantha (‘Hist. Nat. des Insect. Apt.,’ tom. ii, p. 478)> supposing it
to be the latter species in an immature state, for he remarks that “ C’est une jeune que
M. Koch a décrite this, however, is a mistake, as it is undoubtedly a smaller and perfectly
distinct species, and M. Koch’s figure of the male clearly represents an individual with the
palpal organs fully developed.
Clubiona accentuata. PI. VIII, fig. 83.
Clubiona accentuata, Walck., Hist. Nat. des Insect. Apt., tom. i, p. 594.'
— Sund-> Vet- Acad. Handl., 1832, p. 268.
— — Blackw., Linn. Trans., vol. xixy p. 115.
— — Blackw., Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., second series, vol. viii,
p. 96.
punctata, Hahn, Die Arachn., Band ii, p. 8, tab. 39, fig. 99.
Agelena obscura, Sund., Yet. Acad. Handl., 1831, p. 128.
Anyphoena accentuata, Sund., Consp. Arachn., pp. 20, 21.
Koch, Uebers. des Arachn. Syst., erstes Heft, p. 18.
Length of the female, ,th of an inch ; length of the cephalo-thorax, râth, breadth, ^th ;
breadth of the abdomen, râth ; length of an anterior leg, ^ths ; length of a leg of the third
pair, ,th.
The legs are long, moderately robust, provided with hairs and sessile spines, and of a
yellowish-brown colour spotted with black ; the first pair is the longest, then the fourth, and
the third pair is the shortest ; each tarsus is terminated by two curved, pectinated claws, and
below them there is a small scopula. The palpi resemble the legs in colour, arid have a
curved claw at their extreiriity. The cephalo-thorax is somewhat oval, slightly compressed
before, convex, hairy, and has a small, dark, longitudinal indentation in the medial line of thé
posterior region; it is of a yellowish-brown colour, with a broad, irregular, black band
extending along each side. The eyes are disposed in two transverse rows on the anterior
part of the cephalo-thorax ; the posterior row, which is the longer, is curved, and forms a
semicircle nearly with the anterior row, which is situated very near to the frontal margin ;
the intermediate eyes of the anterior row are the smallest of the eight, and, with those of the
posterior row, describe a trapezoid whose shortest side is before. The falces are strong,
conical, vertical, armed with a few minute teeth on the inner surface, and of a pale, reddish-
brown hue, with an irregular, dark-brown spot in front. The maxillæ are straight, powerful,
increasing gradually in breadth from the base to the extremity, which is rounded, and are of a
pale, yeliowish-brown colour. The lip is- truncated at the apex, and of an. elongated
quadrilateral figuré ; it has a brownish-black hue at the base, and a pale, reddish-brown tint
at the extremity. The sternum is heart-shaped, glossy, thinly clothed with hairs, and has
eminences on the sides, opposite to the legs ; it is encircled by a broad, irregular, black