New-Guinea Tree-Creeper.
Climacteris placens, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 693.
“ T h e discovery o f a typical species o f this Australian genus in New Guinea,” writes Dr. Sclater, “ is of
very great interest. Dr. Schlegel has already recorded the existence o f Sittella in the same country.” In
indorsing the opinion o f the above-named gentleman, I feel that there is little else for me to say, as each
new traveller in the island brings to light some hitherto unsuspected link between the avifaunas of the two
Nothing has been recorded respecting the habits of this Tree-Creeper. The original specimen was
obtained by Signor d’Albertis in Atam, near the Arfak mountains.
The following is a transcript o f Dr. Sclater’s original description :—
“ Above mouse-brown; the plumes o f the head rufescent, with paler shafts, and narrowly tipped with
black; wings black, with a broad basal bar of ocliraceous buff traversing the base of the quills; under
wing-coverts also ochraceous buff; tips of the quills and the secondaries adjoining the back obscure dusky
brown ; tail black, tipped with cinereous, the two centre tail-feathers of nearly the same colour as the back;
underneath paler, more ashy, the whole belly and vent streaked with black and ochraceous; a patch of
feathers under the eye rufous ; bill black ; feet yellowish ; iris blade. Total length 5 -4 inches, wing 3 2 ,
tail 2-5, tarsus 0*9, hind toe without claw 0 ’6.
The figures in the Plate are life-size.