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Grey-sided White-eye.
Zosterops delicatula, Sharpe, Jo u rn . Linn. Spc., Zool. xvi, pp. 318, 440 (1882).
T h i s pretty little species belongs to the division o f the genus Zosterops in which the species have a particoloured
under surface with the throat and the under tail-coverts yellow. It would appear to be very similar
to Zosterops frontalis o f Salvadori ; but in the description of the latter species given by that author in his
‘ Ornitologia della Papuasia,’ vol. ii. p. 368, there is no mention of the grey on the sides of the breast and
fore neck, the breast and abdomen being described as white. It will remain therefore for some future
comparison of Z. delicatula with Z . frontalis to determine whether the two birds are absolutely identical as
species. There would be nothing surprising if this should turn out to be the case, as there are many instances
o f the same species occurring in the Aru Islands and in South-eastern New Guinea.
As far as our knowledge goes at present, Z. delicatula is only known from the Astrolabe range of mountains,
whence several specimens were forwarded by Mr. Goldie.
The following is a description o f a specimen kindly lent to me by Mr. Edward Gerrard, jun. :—
“ Adult. General colour yellowish green, brighter and clearer yellow on the rump and upper tail-coverts ;
wing-coverts like the back ; bastard-wing feathers black ; primary-coverts and quills black, externally
yellowish green, brighter on the primaries, which are narrowly edged with this colour ; the secondaries more
broadly margined with the same colour as the back, the innermost secondaries being entirely o f the latter
colour; tail-feathers blackish, edged with yellowish green near the base; crown of head like the back ;
forehead black, extending as far as above the middle o f the eye ; lores and feathers below the eye also black,
as well as the fore part o f the cheeks and a narrow line skirting the rami o f the lower jaws to the base of
thé chin ; round the eye a band o f silky white feathers ; ear-coverts and hinder cheeks dark green ; throat
bright yellow ; remainder o f under surface white with a delicate tinge o f ashy grey, extending from the sides
o f the fore neck down the sides o f the breast ; thighs white washed with yellow ; under tail-coverts bright
yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white slightly washed with yellow ; quills dusky below, ashy along
the inner web. Total length 3 8 inches, culmen 0-45, wing 2*3, tail 1-5, tarsus 0-65.”
The figures in the Plate represent an adult bird in two positions.
[R. B. S.]