Dusky-fronted White-eye.
Zosterops fmd from , Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov, xii. p. 389 (1878), xvi. p. 80 (1880). Id . Ora. Papuasia,
etc. ii. p. 365 (1 8 8 1 ).—Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. is . p. 2 01 (1884);
T h is species comes from Gilolo H Halmaliera, in the Moluccas, and is very nearly allied to Z .a tn c ep s from
the neighbouring island o f Batchian; but it has not so muck black on the head as that bird, only the
sinciput and lores are dusky, the occiput and nape being yellowish olive like the back.
The typical specimens were three in number, and were procured by the late Dr. Bernstein near Galela in
the island above mentioned, and were sent by him to the Leyden Musenm. During a visit to Leyden in the
autumn of 1883, we examined these types and were allowed by Professor Schlegel to bring one of them to
England, and have thus been enabled to figure the species in the present work. . . .
The following is a translation of Count Salvadori's original diagnosis, which, by an accidental omission,
has not been acknowledged in the I Catalogue of Bii'ds - (/. c.) : _
Very similar to Z . «triceps of Gray, but having only the sinciput and the lores dusky; the occiput,
hind neck, and cheeks yellowish olive, nniform with the back, and not dusky at a ll; wings and tail dusky,
margined with yellowish oliv e; under surface of body white, with the exception of the under tad-coverts,
which are yellow , round the eye a conspicuous ring of white feathers. Total length 4-25 inches, wing 2-1,
bill 0 ’8, tarsus 0'6. f
The figures in the Plate represent an adult bird of the natural size in two positions ; they are drawn from
one o f the typical specimens lent to us by the late Professor Schlegel. g g