Tenimber Thickhead.
Pachycephala, sp. incog., Scl. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 51.
Paclycephdafiiscojlam,, S d a te r, P roc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 198, pi. xxviii.—Forbes, tom. cit. p. 5 8 9 , pi. liii.
T h is fine Thickhead is one o f the largest o f the genus Pachycephala, and was discovered by Mr. H. 0 . Forbes
in the island of Larat in the Tenimber group. In the first collection sent by him to this country were two
specimtg$ marked as male and female, from which it was at first surmised that the species belonged to the
dull-coloured section o f the genus Pachycephala, and it was only on the arrival of Mr. Forbes in England
that the flilly adnlt male was described, the specimen having been accidentally mislaid hy him in packing
up his collections.
The male may be described as being very similar in colour to P . lorquata from the island of Taviuni, hut
much larger and lighter olive-yellow above, and much paler lemon-yellow below.
The young male being so distinct, we give the following full description o f i t -
General colour above olive-greenish, rather more olive-yellow on the rum]); head a trifle yellower than the
back, from which it is separated by a faintly indicated ring of deep olive yellow, not pronounced enough to
forma distinct collar ¡ le s s e r and median wing-coverts clearer olive-yellow than the back; bastard-wing,
primary-coverts, and primaries blackish brown, externally ashy grey, the secondaries and greater wing-coverts
dusky brown, externally olive-yellow; tail-feathers olive-greenish ; lores ashy whitish, with a dusky spot before
the e y e ; eyelid rather more yellowish olive; ear-coverts reddish brown, with narrow whitish sliaft-lines j
cheeks and clnh ashy whitish marked with yellow, with a brighter yellow monstachial streak; throat and
breast saffron-yellow, washed with jftigliter yellow in the centre o f the breast; the sides o f the breast and
sides o f neck browner; abdomen ashy whitish marked with yellow, the flanks olive-hrown; thighs and
upder tail-coverts bright yellow; axillaries and under wing-coverts pale brownish white, the latter washed
with yellow j quills dusky below, ashy along the inner web : “ bill black ; legs and feet sooty blue; iris dark
brown ( / / . 0 . Forbes). Total length 7-3 inches, culmen 0-85, wing 4 'lo , tail 3-1, tarsus 1’15.
u ¿ dullfemale. Similar to the young male, but a little duller-coloured below, with less yellow on the breast:
| hill, legs, and feet black ; iris dark brown ’’ (H . 0 . i b r t o H Total length 7-2 inches, culmen 0-85, wing
0-9, tail 3-0, tarsus 1 0 5 . b
The figures in the Plate represent the adult male and female o f the full size; they are drawn from the
typical specimens in the British Museum.
[R. B. S.]