W.Hart cbdi.rt lillv. JRA.CEHl C E P M A LA C OEEAiRJ3 9 Rcurusew.
Ramsay’s Thickhead.
Pachycephala collaris, Ramsay, PrOc. L in a So’o. M g . Wales, iii. p, 74 (1878), p„ 281 (1879), iv. p . 99 (1879)—
Salvad. I b n , 1879, p. 324.—Id . Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov, xv. p. 45 (1879).— Id . Oro. Papuasia e delle
Molucche, ii. p. 221 (1881).— Gadow, Cat. B irds in Brit. Mus. viii. p. 197 (1883).
The present species is closely allied to P . melamra, but differs in its olive-colonred tail, a distinction
accurately noted by Count; Salvadori, although be had never seen a specimen. Taking advantage of
Mr. E. P. Ramsay s visit to England during the year 1883, we borrowed the typical specimens of this bird
for illustration in the present work, and have much satisfaction in figuring in the accompanying Plate the
actual pair described by Mr. Ramsay, these; being, so far, the only ones known in any collection.
The habitat o f the species is Courtance Island, off the south-east coast o f New Guinea.
The following is a description o f the type specimens:__
Adult stale. General colour above olive-green, the feathers on the sides of the rump with yellow ends ■
esser wing-eoverts like the back; median and greater coverts slightly brighter yellow, with dusky bases;
bastard-wing and primary-coverts dusky, edged with dull olive-green ; quills dusky, edged with yellowish
olive, the primaries with ashy g re, ; tail olive-green, rather yellower on the edges of the feathers ; crown of
head and nape black, separated from the back by a broad collar of bright yellow; lores, feathers below
the eye, and ear-coverts black; cheeks and throat white, separated from the breast by a narrow black
collar, which extends up to the sides o f the ear-coverts ; remainder o f under surface of body bright yellow,
a little paler towards the vent and under tail-coverts; axillaries and under wiug-coverts yellow, white at the
bases; q u ig d iisk y below, white along the inner edge. Total length 5'7 inches, culmen 0-8, wing 3-65,
tail 2-7, tarsus 0-95.
Adult female. Different from the male. General colour olive-brown, a little clearer on the rump
a”tl °A H ■ "eck’ where there is a” indistinct collar; wiug-coverts like the back, the greater series
with dusky bases ; bastard-wing, primary-coverts, and quills dusky, edged with olive-brown, paler on the
primaries ; tail dull olive-yellowish, the feathers edged with clearer yellow; crown o f head dull chocolate,
brown, contrasting sjghtly with the back; sides o f fade and ear-coverts clearer reddish brown, with the
ores an eyelids whitish ; cheeks and throat white, the lower throat slightly shaded with brownish ;
ii eirp° m M M S m bo^y bright yellow; axillaries and under wing-coverts white, edged with
¡ ■ E l in n s* 6-2 inches, cnlmen 0-86, wing 3-65, tail 2-4, tarsus 0-85. ■
to us' S mt Ramsa™'8 a° a<IUlt a"d f'male’ ° f tlle lla,l,ral size, drawn from the type specimens lent
[R. B. S.]