Grey Thickhead.
Pacht/cephalopsupoliosoma, Sharpe, Jo u rn . Lina. Soc. Zoo], vol. xvi. p. 318 (1882).
T h is fine Thickhead was discovered b y Mr. A. Goldie in the Tabnri district, at the back o f the Astrolabe
range, in South-eastern New Guinea. Although much resembling the genus Pachycephala in the shape of
the bill, the present species nevertheless differs in its longer wings and longer tarsi; and I agree with Count
Salvadori that, like P . hattamenm. it ought to be genetically separated. With the last-named bird it agrees
entirely in form; but the simple coloration gives it a very different appearance.
Nothing was recorded by Mr. Goldie concerning the habits o f this species; but he states that the native
name is “ Uradaroro.”
The following is a translation o f the original description published by Mr. Shaipe:__
Above uniform dull ashy grey, the head slightly duller; wing-coverts like the back, quills and tail,
feathers rather browner; lores and eyebrows, as well as the ear-coverts, asby, the feathers before the eye
and a streak below the latter black ; under surface o f body ashy grey, with the lower abdomen and the
under tail-coverts slightly whitish; throat whitish brown, the sides washed with ashy; cheeks whitish,
lighter than the throat and forming an indistinct moustache ; under wing-coverts and axillaries ashy, quills
sepia-hrown below, edged with pale brown along the inner web. Total length 8-3 inches', culmen 0 8 wine
4-2, tail 2-5, tarsus 1-2.
The figure in the Plate represents this species o f the natural size 1 it has been taken from the typical
specimen in the British Museum.
[R. B. S.]