dish brown, broad behind and narrow in front, into which pass two streaks of the same hue, one from below
the angle of the mouth, the other from above and behind the ey e; throat and space between these streaks
dull white; across the breast a broad gorget of scale-like greyish feathers, each crossed by a broad band of
black; below this gorget a series of whitish feathers without bands; a t the back o f the neck a broad crescent
of grey, below which is a series of slaty feathers minutely freckled with buff; shoulders grey, minutely
freckled with black; upper surface brownish grey, minutely freckled with black and with a broad stripe of
dull buff down the margin of each feather; greater wing-coverts, tertiaries and scapularies brownish grey,
minutely freckled with black and with a broad mark of chestnut-brown on the outer and a smaller mark of
the same hue on the inner web, each fading into buff near the tip ; primaries white, largely tipped with
brownish grey, passing into buff at the extremity, and minutely freckled with black ; tail grey on the interior,
webs reddish, on the outer ones freckled with black and merging into a broad patch of the same
hue, the tip being reddish; under surface slate-grey, minutely freckled with buffy brown, the feathers
o f the sides of the breast and flanks o f a paler hue than on the centre and abdomen, and on each a double
stripe of chestnut and black along their margins, forming a series of stripes on those parts of the body;
vent and under tail-coverts white; thighs darjk g rey ; bill dark horn-colour; irides dark brown; legs and
feet red.
The figure, taken from a drawing by Mr. Wolf, is about three-fourths of the natural size.