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A C A N T H I P A R U S ? J O U S C H I S T O S .
Chestnut-breasted Tit.
Parus Jouschistos, Hodgs. Gray’s Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 943.—Ib. in Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., vol. xv. p. 3 2 6 -
Gray, Cat. of Spec, and Draw, of Mamm. and Birds presented to Brit. Mus. by B. H. Hodgson, Esq.,
p. 72.—Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol. i. p. 192, Parus, sp. 45.—Blyth, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng.,
vol. xiii. p. 943.—Ib. Cat. of Birds in Mus. Asiat. Soc. Calcutta, p. 104.—Ib. in Jard. Cont. to Orn.
1852, p. 51.
Poecila jouchistos, Bonap. Consp. Gen. Av., p. 230, Poecila, sp. 14.
Orites (?) jouschistos, Horsf. Cat. of Birds in Mus. East Ind. Comp., vol. i. p. 3 75.
T h e native country o f this singularly coloured species of T it is Nepaul, and most, if not all the specimens
that have been sent to this country have been received through the medium o f Mr. Hodgson, its first
describer: would that this gentleman had recorded something respecting its habits and economy, as it
may be supposed that they are somewhat peculiar, since, in structure and colour, it differs from most o f its
congeners; not greatly it is true, but still sufficiently so to render it very puzzling as to which group it may
be properly assigned. Mr. Blyth, who has also had it under review, states, that “ by its lengthened spread
tail, it approximates the Orites division; ” in the lengthened form of its bill, however, and in the mark on
the forehead, it more nearly approximates to Acanthiparus, and in that genus I have, therefore, provisionally
placed it.
Judging from the examples I have had opportunities of examining, there appears to be little or no
difference in the colouring o f the sexes. Specimens of this rare bird are contained in the collections a t the
British Museum and the East India House.
Forehead rusty-red, passing into pale rufous on the centre o f the crown; lores, sides of the head, and
nape black; back and wings grey, the latter inclining to brown; tail dark brown, the three outer feathers
margined with greyish-white, the white being gradually less extensive on the second and third than on the
first; cheeks and sides of the neck reddish-chestnut; chin black; throat silvery-grey ; all the under surface
chestnut-red; bill black ; feet reddish flesh-colour.
The figures are of the natural size. The plant is the Roydsia suaveo/ens, Roxb.