P S A L T R I A ? L E U C O G E N Y S .
Afghan Tit.
Parus leucogenys, Moore in Proc. of Zool. Soc. 1854, p.
Orites leucogenys, Horsf. Cat. of Birds in Mus. East Ind. Comp., vol. i. p. 374.
Two examples of this Tit, the only specimens I have seen, grace the collection o f the Honourable East India
Company ; they were procured by Mr. W. Griffith in Afghanistan. It departs in some slight degree from
the typical species of the form with which I have associated it, in having a somewhat more squarely-formed
tail, and a more thick and lax plumage ; still, the structure o f its bill and feet clearly indicate, in my opinion,
that it is more nearly allied to the members of the genus Psaltria than to those of any other.
From Dr. Horsfield’s “ Catalogue of the Birds in the Museum of the East India Company,” I learn that,
according to Mr. Griffith’s MS. notes, it is “ found in pairs in thè woods above Balu Chughur, a t four
thousand feet elevation ; ” and this is all that has yet been recorded respecting it.
Forehead and crown obscure reddish-brown ; lores, a broad streak passing over the eye to the occiput,
chin and throat jet-black ; cheeks, ear-covertS'‘and sides o f the neck creamy-white ; upper surface brownish
olive-grey, with a pinkish or bufly tinge on the rump ; wings greyish-brown, margined with a silvery
hue ; spurious wing brownish-black ; tail pale brown, becoming darker towards the tip, the outer feather
margined and tipped with white, and the next on each side obliquely tipped with white ; under surface
vinous-brown ; bill black ; feet yellowish-brown.
The figures are of the natural size.