Square-tailed Warbler.
Cysticola isura, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part XV.
L it tl e as is the information I have been able to give respecting the C. ruficeps, I have still less to communicate
about the present species, circumstances not having admitted of my seeing them in a state o f nature:
at a first glance it might readily be mistaken for the C. ewilis, but after a careful examination o f many
specimens I am satisfied o f its being distinct; had it been identical with that species, I must have procured
specimens at the same time that I killed the many examples I obtained. I am not so sure however
that it may not prove to be the female, or some peculiar state of plumage of the Cysticola ruficeps; without a
further knowledge of the subject, I can only view it as distinct from both, and I have therefore assigned to
it the specific appellation o f isura, as indicative of the shorter and more truncated form of its tail, the principal
character by which it may be distinguished. Like the other species of the group, it appears to enjoy
an extensive range over the grassy districts o f the country, the specimens in my possession having been
killed on the Liverpool Plains and at Port Phillip; the arid and sterile nature of the country seems to be
peculiarly adapted to the members of this group, and hence there are many species.
Sides and back of the neck and rump pale rufous; crown o f the head, back and secondaries deep
brownish black, each feather margined with buff; tail dark brown margined with buff, and crossed on the
under side near the tip with a broad conspicuous band of black; under surface deep buff, becoming paler
on the chin and centre of the abdomen; bill brown; feet yellowish browu.
The figures are of the natural size.