Cysticola campestri#, -Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part XIII. p. 20.
I am indebted to the kindness o f Hugh E. Strickland, Esq., for the loan of a fine example o f this bird
for the purpose o f figuring in the present work. It is one of the largest species of the group, and hence
I have assigned to it the distinctive appellation o f magna. Nothing whatever is known of its habits and
manners, but we may reasonably infer that they are very similar to those o f its congeners. The precise
locality it inhabits is also unknown ; Mr. Strickland having obtained it from a general collection of
Australian birds, without the situation in which it had been procured being attached to it.
Head rusty red; back and wing-coverts brownish g rey; all the feathers o f the upper surface with a
broad stripe o f dark brown down the centre; wings blackish brown, the primaries margined externally with
rusty red and the secondaries edged all round with brownish grey; tail reddish brown, all but the two
centre feathers with a large spot o f black near the t ip ; all the under surface pale buff.
The Plate represents the bird of the natural size.