Lineated Warbler.
Cysticola lineocapilla, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Jan. 27, 1847.
T he Cysticola lineocapilla is a much smaller and more delicately formed species than the C. exilis, and may,
moreover, be distinguished from that and every other member of the genus with which I am acquainted
by the lineated form o f the markings of the head. It is a native of the north coast o f Australia, and all
the specimens I have seen were from the neighbourhood of Port Essington. Mr. Gilbert states that it “ is
very rarely seen in consequence o f its generally inhabiting the long grass o f the swamps, where it creeps
about more like a mouse than a bird, and if once alarmed it is no easy task to get a sight o f it again ; its
note is a short aud feeble, but very pleasing song.
“ The stomach is muscular, and the food consists of insects of various kinds.”
General plumage pale rufous, with broad and conspicuous striae o f blackish brown forming lines down
the centre o f the feathers of the head and back; the under surface fading into white on the throat and
centre o f the ch e st; tail-feathers with a conspicuous blackish spot on the under surface near the t ip ;
irides light reddish brown ; bill and feet flesh-brown
The figures are of the natural size.