" O 71
Heg. Sc. Ind. Ncerl.
. Mur. XIII íig, 1.
V, Twaalliltì bijilr. visclif. Cele-
Sphagebr. corpore maxime
:iter in longitudine coi-poi-is:
e 15^/, niviter i
¡ oculis dinmetn
naribus posteri en-i bus hibio superiore sub oculi mar
1 maxilla inferiore m lulto longiore; rictu paulo post
itis,- dentibus conicis acuti« postrorsum spectantil.us
itibus, utroque laten ? 23 drc.; dentibus nasalibus
linis remolis; denlibu is vomerinis uniseriatis 15 circ
ceteris longioribus ; apertura bran.-hiali semihtnari
•9 cicntorio
;o qiinm pnstice non liumiliore, nltitiidii
lun¿;ilud¡iie covpovis, l5i/i cii'citov in lungi
n nd 12 in longitudine cq.itis; rosiro i
,rii)e «nteiioro perforatii
oculuiii producto íib níuco rustí
subíiequnlibua, dentibiis paliitini
eurwitis 5 in ligui-nm A formei
; dentibus in fiam axil lari bus uní
mediocri; cuta Incvi non rugoso
miiioi'e, posticc en
! corporis, dorsali
non liun
o capitis longitudiiiis post apcrturai
! njiicem cnudna desinente; pinna s
postice emarginata, l'adiis |)ostici.s
; capite corpoveque ubique plus
inis. dorsali basi fusco arenata.
eliialem incipiente,
lite medium corpus
dorsulibuä posti eis
ive fusco aronalis;
Sphagebranchus Kaupi Blkr, Ad. Sü o
Les p. 5; All. Tab. CLVII lig
elongato, antice cyliiiiiraceo
capite acuto coiivexo corpore noi
ceni rostri inter et nimm: aìlituilinc capitis 4 fere in ejus longi
voxo, apice carnoso, ociilc du]>lo fei-e longioi
ribus tubulo oculo breviure; maxilla supcrioro q
usque nd angulum oi-is 4 fere in longitudine
uniscriatis upicem sedei dentlilis vomerinae altii
dispositis, spatio e<lon(ulo a denlibus vomero-j
seriatis utroque latere 25 circ., anterioribus qii
linea laterali tubulis continuis simplicibus nutat
altitudine maxima corpore ¡dus duplo liu
ineipiento miinis quam 2 in longitudii«
oppositis; colore corpore superno profi
linea laterali guimlis numerosis subaequi
1!. 23 ? D. 355 circ. A. 215 circ.
Hab. Celebes (K!abat-di»t.ns). in fiuviis,
Longìtudo spcciminis descriptl 3152 ".
Uom. Celle espèce a le corps iitìlaNemeiil plus grèlo quo les espèces prècèilenlcs el approd
i e , par SCS formes, plus du Spliagebraiicluis anceps, qiioiipi'elle s'en disliiigiie par de nombreux
caraclères. Elle est cvidemnienl plus voisine du Spliagebranclius bicolor, mais oiilre (¡u'clle a le
corps plus élancé, elle a la télo plus pelile, la dorsale commençant plus en arrière, la queue rcl
a l i v e m e n l plus longue, etc. J'ai cru devoir dédier celle espèce à M . - K a u p , dont les vues sur
les Murènes ont puissamment conlribué à rérormer cet ordre do poissons.
Sphagcbi'anchus polyojihlliahmts Kp , Uebci's. Aale, Arch. INaturgescIi. XXII, I p. 51; Cal.
Apod. Fish. 'p. 26; Blkr, Tindjang kassik. r<at. T. Ned. Ind. XVI p. 2 1 1 ; Ali. Tab.
C U V flg. 1. Mur. X lìg. 1.
Spliagebr. corpore cylindraceo valde elongato, altitudine 28 ad 3b in ejus longitudine; capite ™l(le acuto 8i/a ad 9'/, in longitudine
corporis, 5 ad 5'/j circiter in longitudine apicem rostri inter et anum; altitudine capitis S'h circiter in ejus longitudine; oculis diametro
15 ad 18 in longitudine capitis; rostre valile acuto leviter convexo, apice carnoso, oculo plus duplo longiore, longiove quam basi
lato; naribus pnsterioribiis sul) nculo in labio superiore perfoi-atis margine papilla conspicua, anterioribus rostri facie laterali perforatis margine
superiore quam niaxtll
elevato irregular! subiubulatis ; poris vortice in figuram TI fonnom dispositis-, maxilla maxilla inferiore multo longioi
•MtU curvatLs, pabtinis, vome
latere 3G circ.; dentibus vor
lentibus iiasalibus dentibus ce
branchiali infera rimaeformi
rictu longe post oculum producto 21/5 ad 2'/, iti longitudine capitis; dentibuR
uniseriatis subaoqualibus, oaninis vel subulatis nullis; dentibus jialatinis utroqi
palatinis anticis contiguis-, dentibus in fra tu axil la rib us utroque latere 40 circ.;
seriatis 4, spatio edentulo parvo a dentibus vom ero palatinis remotis; aperti
istltrao mediocri ab apertura lateris oppositi remota; cute laevi; lin
sali quarta parte capitis Imigitudinis post apcrluratn brandnalem
paulo ante apicem caudae desinenle: pinnis pectora'ibus nullls:
triplo bumiliore radiis postieis radiis dorsalibus posticis oppositis;
nucha dorsoque antiee ocellis pluribus flavis vel aurantiacis; veni
rali ocellis aurantiacis valde conspicuis cinctis; pinnis viridescentibu
B. 25. D. 3(50 circ. A. plus quam 140 (posteriores tarnen non vel vix conspicui).
Syn. Dalophis poltjnphihnimus lìlkr, Diagn. be.schr. viiclis. Sumatra Tient. V—X, Ni
XXV Muraen. Aanlt. p. 6Ü.
laterali tabulis coniii
icipiente, corpore plus
ntice in 2" dimidio corporis incipiente, corpore plus
lolore corpore superne viridi, inferné flavescente; capile superne,
G vitta transversa flava vel auranliiica; poris vertice lineaque lalei
vel flavescentibus.
pum-i.<hn,s Kp, Uebers. Aal.', Ardi. Xaturg. XXII, I p. 50; Cata
Tiniljang liassik Jlal. Sumair,
s paulo majori bus
i plus duplo brev
lis et poris (¡¡stantibus notata; pinna dor-
It'iplo liumiliore, postice non emarginata,
t. T Ind. IV p. 2!)'J ; Verb liât. Gen.
. Apod, risii, p. 24 tab. 2 fig. 12 (cap.).
Ilab. Java: Sumatra (Priaman); liatjan (Labuha), in mari et in (luviis.
Longitudo 9 speciminum IGG"' ad
Uein. l/espècc que M, -Kaup a décrite sous le nom d'Anguisurus piincliilalus ne clilTère on
r i en de l'cspòce adnelle. Elle se dislingiie do loiiles Ics espèces précédenles |)ar les ocelles jaiin
à l r c s de la Iòle ci du dessus de la moitié anléricure du corps. Elle osi voisine du Sphagehranchus
piclns Kp ile ITIindoiistan. (|ui a prosquo les mêmes délails de la coloration, mais doni lo
nnjseau est plus large et doni la (|ucue est plus longue que le Irone, co (jiii esl le coniraire do
ce qu'on voit dans le polyophlhalmus.
Sphuf/cbrcmchiis anccps Kp. Uebers. Aalc, Ardi. Nalurgescli. XXM, I p. 51; Cat. Apod.
F i s h . p. 17; All. Tab. C L .WX V l l lig. 'i. Mnr. XIJII fig. '2 (cop. ex Cant.).
Descriptio Cant(
„Tlie bead
seque ns.
compara lively shor cal muzzle; the eye very t Î body is slender, cyliiidric.il,
but ivideiis suddetily
blunter than the mu
tjiiice from the niu:
situated at tbe
a little before 1
ixle. The head,
zie to tho anu
meement of the
mil; the nuked tip of the tail is slightly compressed and much
>/,„ of the tot;il length; it is contained lOVi times in the dis-
Iiination of the dorsal and i
sured to the gill-openings,
, which is situated at the end of the fourth-seventh of the total length. Tho very minute eye is
3nd-eight of the head, nearly above the middle of the lip; its distance from tho mu/zle is a
I/, of the head; the distance between both eyes
ontained 4i/j limes in the length of the head. Betwc-en the mu/./le
,ihir on each branch of the lower ja<v. The antei ic
I pores 1
the iioint of Ihe mu/.zie; although very small, each lube is double the len;
lobulels; the posterior nasal apertui
appear 3uble ach of thre
itlle less. The distanca from the mnisilo to tlie angle of tlie
md eadt eye, on tite ero^'n of tho head, appear three
nasal apertures arc tubular and open on each side of
, h of the diameter of tho eye; there are apparently no
ipper lij), beneath the ! eyes. Beneath the tip of the muzzle
very n
nesial lin. of the palate; the
single. Tho teelll of the upi.er jaw are
anterior teeth of the palatal seri.-s. The lower jav
and generally in a single series, but near the
teeth. The tongue is
From the occijmt to
1 front of the t'
ted teeth. At a short distanca behind tlie latter c s the of tho
s double, each side consisting of e leeth which a
:lislant and placed
3r than the u])per
than all the rest, the postemmences
a little behind the
iymphy.sis is naked; the teeth are minute, pointed
a short internal series, consisting of three tninuie
it does not extend beyond the angle of to mouth.
•s, but near the symphysis appears on eacl
lute, elongated and tied to the Hoor of the m
2 vertical diameter is contained 3'/5 times in the length of the head; the tail slowly
lation of the dorsal and anal, where the vertical diameter suddenly attiiiiis its maximum, 2"ii times in
the length of the head. Between the termination of the dorsal and anal the vertical diameter is contained 41/» times in the head, and
it forms the base of the bluntly conical tip of the tall, the upper and lower margin of wltich slightly exceed the base. Owing to the
lowncss and thickness of the dcifsul fin-membrane its precise origin cannot bo determined; apparently it commences at a distance from
tlie muzale of '/j of the total length, but the rays cannot be distinguished before a little in front of the anterior third of the total.
3 head, but it slightly i ¡he sudden enlargement of tail
isembles the dorsal. The gill-opening: e small, cresihout
sparingly dotted '
abdomen white
the distance from the appa-
I llie openings. The lateral
•ith brown as to acquire a greyish
dorsal and anal hyaline, tlie lower
The general length of the rays is i/,
nation of the fin. The anal commences at a short distance from the ven
ccnl-shaped .ind i>laced between the lateral line and ihe abdominal profi
rent commencement of the dorsal oxceeds by 1/4 the length of the head
line consists of a succession of short upwards-arched tubes, apparently •
Ground-colour of head, back and upper half of the sides yellowish 1
or dusty appearance ; beneath the lateral line a pale bluish grey longitu
half of the former dotted with brown. Iris silvery, orbital margin black; pupil circuli
B. 31? D. 251? A151. Total length, 1 foot, 8 inch".
Syn. Dalophis nnceps Cant., Catal. Mai. Fish. p. 327 tab. 6 fig. 1-4.
Ilab, Pinang, in mari.
Hem. Le Sphagebranchus anceps est la seule espèce connue du genre où les dénis iniVamaxillaires
sont disposées sui" deux rangées et où la partie posléi'ieui'c de la queue est élargie et nolablemcnlplus
élevée que le tronc. N'ayanl pas vu l'espèce, je n'ai fait que li'anscrire la descripl
i on détaillée de feu M.-Cantor.
Sphagebranchus lumbricoides Blkr, Poiss. inéd. Ordr . Murèn. ISed. Tijdschr. Dierk. Il p. 46;
AU. Tab. C LXXXVI I I iig. i. Mur. X L I V fig. A.
Spliagebranch. corpore cylindraceo v
circiter in longitudine corporis, 8 et p
diametro 14 circiter in longitudiue ca
informi postice compresso, altitudin 'citer iu ejus longitudine; capite valdo t
, quadruplo circiter longiore quam alto
;e carnoso, oculo plus duplo longiore.
quam basi lato! nari bus posteriori bus sub oculo il 1 labio superi.o re perforatis; naribus an terioribus t nargine roii tri perforai: is margine
elevat. 0 brevi tub ulatis: maxillii superiore qi la m ma; ¡illa inferiore multo longiore; rictu pan lo post oct iluin prodi] icto 3 drei
gitudi ne cnpitis; dentibus acutis curvatis, palatini: i utroque lat ere (5 circ.; dentibus naso dibus 4 COI ifertis spati .0 edentulo a dentibus
%'omei •o-i«>latinis remotis; dentibus vomerinis ; 10 c'ir< •,, anterioribu s 4 ad 13 biseriatis, ceteri 5 uniseriati s; dentibus inñaniaxil laribus uniseriali
s utroque latere (5 ad 8 ? (ex parte deficienti ibus); apertur a branchiali infera obliqui 1 rimaeforn li inferne i stilino sat 1 ingusto ab
aperti ira branchi iali lateris oppositi separata ; cute 1 >sa; linea laterali tubulis continuis n otata; pini la dorsali supra aperbranchialci
11 incipiente, humillima, c.ni •inaeforn li, radiis pam m conspicuis ; pinnis pect< Dralibus nu llis; pinna anali antiee in dimidio
coriioi Hs posteriore? incipiente, humillima, e arinacfor •mi, radiis pai l'uin conspicuis; cauda? (i ipice mutili Ito); colon ; corpore sujierne oli-
:aceo fusco plus min
B. 24. D.? A,?
I-Iah. Timor, in m
Longitudo spec imi) cripti absque apice caudae 210"'
Rem. Le Sphagebranciius lumbricoides approche du genre Aptcrichthys par son corps vermiforme
et par ses nageoires rudimcnlaires qui ne forment qu'une cai'ène peu élevée où l'on ne
voit que quelques rayons ou vestiges de l'ayons qu'on lic saurait compter qu'à l'aide d'une forte
loupe, .le n'ai pas pu compier distinclement, dans l'unique individu que j'en possède, les dents
de la mâchoire inférieure. Le bout de la queue élant mutilé je ne puis pas non plus déterminer
positivement si en effet la queue est plus courte (jue le tronc.
A v a n l de terminer la famille des Ophisuroïdes, j'ajoute ici la description d'une espèce inédite,
que je viens de reconnaître tout récemment. Elle fait monter le nombre des espèces indo-archiiiJ